Category Archives: Cogs Two Ice Floes Post

The Greater Depression

The Greater Depression


Cognitive Dissonance


Once or twice a month Mrs. Cog and I pack up the car and head to Winston-Salem, North Carolina. For us poor mountain folk, that’s the big city and the best destination when our need for certain items calls for visiting particular stores.

Each trip down from the mountain elicits at least one observation about recent changes to the Matrix. For example, Mrs. Cog noticed the big box stores appear to be reducing their selection significantly. Once it was brought to my attention, it was suddenly obvious they were narrowing their inventory to those items with high margins and quick turnover. Essentially they are abandoning the rest of the low margin consumer market to the likes of, and so on.

But what we stumbled upon as we hunted down a used book store near the heart of Winston-Salem was a bit surprising to say the least. It is common to find beggars and panhandlers working the stop light at busy intersections. Often they are soliciting the right hand turn lane or narrow island of grass separating the traffic flowing in opposite directions using the tool of their trade; a cardboard sign describing their particular plight in hand written black marker. Continue reading The Greater Depression

SkyNet is Sentient and Will Destroy Your Investments and Pension

SkyNet is Sentient and Will Destroy Your Investments and Pension


Cognitive Dissonance



Do you really want to know about how SkyNet controls your investments and pension via the various financial markets? I ask with all sincerity because the subject is not pleasant and may even be frightening to those who have followed a strict diet of financial ignorance.

Once you know, it is nearly impossible to un-know. And just as there is never only one weed in the garden, knowing this inevitably leads to a critical juncture where one must then decide if they wish to know more or simply curl up in the fetal position on the bathroom floor.

You see, when “We the Mindless Minions” (desperately) wish to avoid responsibility for knowing, while the specific tactics used may vary greatly, the theme remains pretty consistent. I call it the Sgt. Schultz defense.

“I know nothing, I see nothing and I was never here.” Continue reading SkyNet is Sentient and Will Destroy Your Investments and Pension

Poo Be Gone…Please!

Poo Be Gone…Please!


Cognitive Dissonance

(And now for a little humor.)

For countless millions of families in the US, there are certain inalienable truths. Food comes from the super market, water comes from the faucet and poo goes away…somewhere, anywhere.

Just make it go away……I’m begging you. Please!

The average homeowner knows precious little about the mechanical subsystems in their home…let alone how to affect simple routine maintenance and repairs. Our modern consumer culture teaches us one thing in life, how to beg, borrow or steal the money needed to hire someone else to do what we can’t, or more likely won’t, do. Continue reading Poo Be Gone…Please!