Dirty Secrets

Cog likes to say we're only as sick as our deepest, darkest secrets. The obvious deceptions we keep from others, such as an extra-marital affair, dipping into the petty cash at work or perpetrating a fraud for the financial good of the family, are bad enough. But some are so sick and twisted we can't even admit them to ourselves. So we stay in denial, creating shame, and crushing that which is good and seeks to grow within us.

I’d like to think that by knowing and accepting that this is how things work, that I am immune from that gut wrenching bile that wells up when I realize my dishonesty. But I'm not.

The truth is, as much I despise the banking system and all the manipulative misery it has caused I want my debit card to work.  While my intellect tells me that organic and non-GMO foods are what will preserve my healthy life I am a sucker for a fresh baked chocolate chip cookie, even the kind with all the wrong processed ingredients.

But on a much more personal level I discuss with myself that all fear ultimately originates with the fear of dying, and I convince myself that I have accepted this as natural. That no one gets out alive. Further I accept that violence is not a good thing. Why then do I make sure I am qualified to carry a concealed weapon? So violence is wrong unless it's justified, such as in cases of self defense? That leads me to conclude that violence is only bad when it is directed at me. Entering dangerous territory here.

These contradictions, and more, form the cognitive dissonance that I live with. I used to think that if I was consciously aware of them I could consider these demons as having been wrestled with and move on to deeper and more meaningful issues. But just acknowledging any internal conflict, like a virus that over time will attack my inner system and wear down my immunity, will not kill the germ. So what then is the medicine for these conflicts?

It seems clear there is no miracle cure or magic bullet to clear up the nature of all the dual thoughts I hold. I think that in order to find inner peace I must examine the genesis of each view and unravel the programming behind it. This takes time and often involves visiting and pouring over memories with a fresh perspective. It's hard because so often we don't like what we are seeing with fresh eyes, and pain that was buried, or never realized, surfaces.

As I become more centered I am making slow progress. Slowly, but surely, profound revelations come into focus. One by one my dirty secrets become a lesson learned.

And I am better for it.

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9 thoughts on “Dirty Secrets”

  1. Interesting topic.
    I probably should preface every word out of my mouth/keyboard with a “what if” so that I don’t end up irritating others.
    Please remember that I intend to dig a little deeper and not take the face value of everything I hear.

    Here is my assertion:
    All thought is merely vibrational data. Data in the sense that data is information and vibrational in the sense that energy can be attached to the data.
    Data or information on its own has no intrinsic vibrational value.
    The vibrational value attached to any thought form, or idea is subjective to who made the value judgement in the first or last place.
    So IMO it is the judgement or vibration of the thought, idea, action or deed that causes the duality.

    Because we are conditioned to believe we are wrong “bad” for cheating on our spouse it is the belief that we are wrong that causes up to keep the secret. Not to mention the retribution that most likely will result.

    Fundamentally, the belief that humans are flawed and need rules, laws, school, religion or a diety is where the duality thinking originated.

    I am not suggesting that a lawless society would necessarily be a better one, only that the current concept needs further adjustments in order to shed what is entirely another topic “Guilt and Shame”

    Feeling bad about having thoughts that don’t match our internal idea of “right” or( what seems to me to be even more egregious )by comparing our thoughts to what society deems “PC ” or right is far more damaging than the behavior we keep as a secret in the first place.

    I am not trying to judge or correct or dissuade, instead I debate the concept in order to open the door for additional vibrational data.

    If any of this causes you anger or discomfort, then I have failed in my data delivery method, but the vibration is pure.

    Much more to unfold if you should see fit.


    1. @Nsc

      I appreciate your feedback. Speaking for myself, I learn much from non-confrontational discussions that elaborate on a topic and/or present a fresh perspective as you have done here.

      As a novice student of energy, I find it fascinating to apply ideas about frequency and vibration to thoughts. If our thoughts can direct energy and changes in energy from an external force (such as a full moon) can effect our thoughts, then what energetic forces create our emotions? Is this from our consciousness or something else? The polarizing nature of “judgment” seems to originate with emotions and how we feel.

      What little I understand about my emotions as they relate to energy can be summed up like this. The higher my vibrations, the better I feel and the more centered I am. In this state I am less likely to make a polarizing “judgment” call based upon a programmed tape in my mind from the Matrix (what society sees as PC). When my ego is not in my way, I can access a place that I call my inner knowing, which seems to have a higher operating system. Here there is not “good” and “bad” in the judgmental sense, but rather a platform of truth or not truth.

      Where and when the practice of duality in human behavior originated is a favorite topic of mine to discuss with Cog. Was the ego and the heightened emotional state that promotes duality really meant to function as it does? Was there some cataclysmic event in human history that cause a drastic overreaction to a balance we once knew? (There are many theories that suggest so.) Is it possible for an individual to revert or correct this in one lifetime? More to the point… is it possible for an individual to live in and participate in the modern chaotic world without operating within the duality that appears to swirl around us? It seems that that would be the ultimate bridging of Two Ice Floes.

      Perhaps you would consider starting a Forum topic to expand on vibrations and data? It is a valuable conversation. :-)

      1. As a microbiologist, I was indoctrinated to the scientific method as the sole way to discover truth. I believed this for many years. Recently, I had decided to unshackle my mind and explore alternatives. I decided to take an herbalist class which was diametrically opposed to my teaching. What an explosive change in my life! A few days ago I walked into class and there were 50 flower essences sitting on a table. My instructor said we were going to explore vibrational medicine and healing. After I managed to recover from the sudden wave of negativity, I managed to pick up a pendulum and hold it over the essences. To my vast surprise, 3 of the essences had my pendulum swinging wildly. He explained this is what I needed and made me a preparation with affirmations that corresponded to the flowers if I so chose. Homeopathy is based on vibrational medicine because the essence of the substance is left, not the substance itself being diluted so many times. I’ve walked through a door and discovered a new world.


        1. Wonderful story.

          The more I ‘know’, the more I know that I do not ‘know’.

          Whereas I had thought my water glass full, suddenly I realized it is nearly empty and I’m parched and dehydrated. Thankfully I am surrounded by streams of cool clean water where before there were none.

          Cognitive Dissonance

  2. “When my ego is not in my way, I can access a place that I call my inner knowing, which seems to have a higher operating system. Here there is not “good” and “bad” in the judgmental sense, but rather a platform of truth or not truth”

    For me I find the the line between (1) good or bad and (2) truth or not truth can at be times be difficult to discern in the moment and often times only in retrospect can I actually discern which domain I was operating in. My ego can be very crafty and often times in the moment I believe I’m seeking truth/not truth only to discern with the passage of time that the exercise was merely my ego operating under the banner of “truth”. Unfortunately, for me, it seems there is no sure fire formula to diagnose my current state of mind and when I try identify concrete markers my ego invariably uses such rules or sign posts to bolster its position in my psyche.

  3. not serial convinced said:

    “Fundamentally, the belief that humans are flawed and need rules, laws, school, religion or a diety is where the duality thinking originated.

    I am not suggesting that a lawless society would necessarily be a better one, only that the current concept needs further adjustments in order to shed what is entirely another topic “Guilt and Shame””

    There’s a book by John Lamb Lash titled Not In His Image that expands on flawed humanity and where the concepts of guilt and shame originated. He calls it “salvationism.”

    A quote from the book:

    “The genocide of native spirituality in the classical world went on for centuries, but a cover-up has largely concealed this fact, and continues to this day. To expose the cover-up and reveal both the cause and scope of the destruction so wrought is the third objective of this book. Finally, the fourth objective is to complete Nietzsche’s critique by showing what is basically wrong, indeed, pathologically dangerous, in salvationist theology and Judeo-Christian ethics.”

    Jeremy Narby had this to say about Not In His Image:

    “This book is learned, courageous, and full of insights. Some may find it challenging and even shocking, but it is an important read for those interested in life on earth. It is made for readers to chew on, rather than believe.”

    1. There were two trees in the Garden, the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil and the Tree of Life. I have never, NEVER, found anything in religion, or, for that matter, in such discussions as this other than food from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. We expect that this food will nourish us. God said that this food would kill us.

  4. Duality comes from a lack of self acceptance. One presents an image of oneself because of a fear of rejection. So two selves form. The “socially acceptable” self and the inward self. These selves are quite incompatible and are usually at war. Add on the stress of a sick society and you have a perfect recipe for personal misery. I have found personally the answer lies within. Damage must be healed inside for any resolution with the persona we show to the world.

    I have been soundly criticized by some people for posting on ZH as myself as I always would do here. Many of their points were quite valid and I, many times, reconsidered what I was doing. I came to the conclusion I could not create an online fake persona. Personally, living my life split in half had lost its appeal though I must admit I have given up a lot of safety and security.

    I can attest to the pain in expunging inner secrets. A process I wish to never again repeat.


  5. The other extreme to having dark secrets is having a very frank and honest relationship with reality. Some will now say “ah but you can never really be sure what is real.” To which I say, every housecat knows the way. They can go from nothing to crazy-as-batshit in a fraction of a second, because reality moves like greased lighting. You find the ugly truth then on the sharp, bloody edge of personal failure.

    The human world is a war zone. There is constant shifting warfare taking place between what is real and what is comforting. For all the mental suffering we pretend this war is already won, or it never happened, or it hardly mattered either way and as a result we walk across the battlefield strewn with the wreckage of our life choices, stepping over the bones of our own mistakes, averting our eyes from the terror of our ways.

    Most of us are losing this war. Many have fallen along the road and will never fight again. The few that do will find this a lonely struggle against the claws and teeth of ancient certainty. But either stand or fall, reality is coming and man is she pissed.

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