Tag Archives: Charity

A Charity Case


Cognitive Dissonance


I hate fund raising. Or more accurately I hate being hit up for funds during fund raising season. Either I’m encouraged to feel cheap because I didn’t chip in last time, thus I’m a free loader. Or I’m a social deviant for not helping out a good cause. The only thing worse than manipulative psychological games is when you understand the game……yet you still allow yourself to be manipulated into giving by expert leveraging of hidden guilt, shame or desire.

But now that the shoe is on the other foot, suddenly perspective is gained and there is a greater understanding of what is really going on and why. We, that means you and I, the only two people who count right now, are either going to make a donation or we are not. No one can compel either of us to do so under these circumstances. In fact pretty much the IRS and the police/courts have an exclusive franchise on that ‘coerced donation’ market.

Essentially a donation made is remuneration for a contract entered into, even if the ‘benefit’ received is just the emotional high from helping out, rather than for ‘goods’ received. In return for your donation of any amount to TwoIceFloes I promise not to send you cheap trinkets, day glow orange t-shirts with my logo or bumper stickers you need a flame thrower and an acid bath to remove. Nor will I engage in witty banter and psychological trickery designed to seduce that credit card from your wallet or purse. Well……never again after this.

What we do promise is to continue to bring you high quality original articles from Mrs. Cog and I, a steady stream of well written and thought provoking guest posts from a variety of global websites, unknown and amateur authors who write on a wide variety of topics, a rapidly expanding forum area restricted to members for commenting, but which is wide open to everyone to read, and of course a beautiful website that pleases both the eye and the mind.

When we rolled out this website on Valentine’s Day of this year the very first article posted (Welcome to Two Ice Floes) promised a total commitment from Mrs. Cog and I to produce a top quality website. In return we asked for your participation and financial support to help us make it all happen. Between the two of us we devote 60-80 hours a week to TwoIceFloes including backroom customer support and website upkeep, forum maintenance (a huge job) and the writing and editing of quality content.


So please, click the donate button (here or on the side bar on the front page) and give till it hurts….or at least till you think doing so will shut me up. Better yet, consider purchasing a membership to TwoIceFloes and join the Insane Asylum.

Thank You,

Cognitive Dissonance