
While everyone else seems to have a honey-do list, that never empty glass jar filled with loving suggestions of things we might find our way to doing (respectfully submitted by our better half) both Mrs. Cog and I have our own Projects list. And while there is some cross pollination between the two lists, for the most part the ideas for these projects are germinated between our own two ears.

At least that's where Mrs. Cog tells me I get my inspiration. And I sincerely believe everything Mrs. Cog tells me to do is actually my own idea. Right honey?

I suppose that eventually we will run out of things we want to do here on the mountain. I just don't think it will be very soon. So keep watching this page for updates as we attempt to empty our respective honey-do jars.

Cognitive Dissonance

Thoughts From Cognitive Dissonance Ψ ψ
