The Cure for Aging

For several decades now I have not celebrated my birthday, not because I fear aging (though I don't necessarily enjoy the process) but because I find the entire exercise somewhat pointless and self absorbed. Obviously this was not always the case and some of my prior birthday celebrations were quite memorable to say the least.

Needless to say those close to me find this practice curious since it appears I am cheating myself (and others) out of an opportunity to commemorate another milestone. For me it is just another day on the calender and I am often reminded of its significance only when others mention to me that the day has arrived.

I feel the same way about most 'holidays' since many are either artificially manufactured for commercial/economic reasons or they are supposed to usher in the opportunity for perspective and self reflection, such as New Year's Day. From my point of view every day is self reflection day.

David Cain from just turned 34 last week and writes about aging in his latest piece. While I suspect his point of view will change as his joints become more than just theoretical future aching issues, it is well worth the ten minutes to read.

Please click here for David Cain's "The Cure For Aging"

Photo Credit to Joe Del Tofu

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