All posts by Mrs Cog

Webmaster, gardener and maker of Cog's evening tea

Is Plan B To Turn Your Lawn Into A Garden?

If you are one of the many people who have a home with a lawn, but know something wicked this way comes, you may have said to yourself, "I have plenty of room in the yard, so I can grow my own food if I need to." I have heard this from a number of people lately.

Should this be your ‘Plan B’ for extreme food inflation or shortages, you might want to get a jump start on the work involved because it is not easy and involves a number of factors you may not have considered. I know because we are currently undertaking just such a task. Continue reading Is Plan B To Turn Your Lawn Into A Garden?

Real Assets

As a young child the “Jim Dandy” at the local Friendly's Ice Cream store was my favorite treat, a delicious ice cream banana split feast. Now-a-days for economic prophecy I refer to my new Jim Dandy sundae for much of what I need to know. Meaning Jim Grant, Jim Rickards, Jim Rogers, Jim Willie, and of course Jim Sinclair with an extra (chocolate sprinkles) topping of Mark Faber. Continue reading Real Assets

Magic Bullets

Featured image by: Elena Shumilova

When I was a child, if I fell down and skinned my knee my mother would gently clean me up, put a band-aid on my strawberry, and top it off with loving words to ‘make’ it all better. Later, when it was my turn to be a mother I did the same with my children, programming them to believe the magic band-aid would fix their strawberries. Whether it was the placebo effect, a good distraction or a combination of the two, it was effective and my actions could readily be seen as the kind and compassionate thing to do. Continue reading Magic Bullets