All posts by Mrs Cog

Webmaster, gardener and maker of Cog's evening tea

Butternut Blues

A few days ago I watched a video about the probability of global hyperinflation occurring.  The prospect of the world losing confidence in their currencies is not a new concept for me to consider. However, the timeline in this particular video for hyperinflation was greatly accelerated compared to my previous thoughts on the matter. This prompted the danger proximity alarm bells in my head to begin ringing in earnest.

I turned to Cog and for the 10th (or maybe 20th) time since we moved to the mountain said, “We’re gonna need more chicken soup.” Continue reading Butternut Blues

Demolished Chicken Coops and Busted Keurigs

Demolished Chicken Coops and Busted Keurigs

Holiday Season at The Cogs’

Good things can come from the rubble.

Tearing things apart on our property can only mean one thing: dump dates! Woo-hoo, who wouldn’t get all excited about gittin’ off the mountain, ‘specially when ya know it will take multiple trips to the dump to git rid of all the debris. Seein’ as how it is located 45 minutes from home near an actual fast food joint, what gal wouldn’t yearn for a whole day ridin’ back and forth in her guy’s truck?

Enough with the pleasantries….never again! In all honesty I only went with Cog on the third and final trip to the dump, which is actually a very foul smelling ‘transfer station’. The truck is weighed on the way into the facility and again after unloading the debris. The difference is the weight of the debris, of which we are charged by the pound for the pleasure of dumping in someone else’s lap to properly dispose of. Taking pity on a rain soaked Cog (it had been raining all day) I piled into the truck to keep him company for the last trip. At least I could read him the ZeroHedge headlines and teasers as he drove. Continue reading Demolished Chicken Coops and Busted Keurigs