Category Archives: Another Point of View

The Reason You Work So Hard to Participate in the Rat Race

by M.J. Higby

Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “A man in debt is so far a slave.” Money has no intrinsic value yet we spend our days damaging our health and spirit in order to obtain it. Why do we sacrifice our well-being for it? Is it the cliché that “we just want to provide a better life for our kids than we had?” Is it just way of the civilized world? The most important question to ask, however, is what power do we have to change this way of thinking and living? The reality is simple: money is a vehicle for social control. Debt makes us good, obedient workers and citizens. Continue reading The Reason You Work So Hard to Participate in the Rat Race

Cognitive Biases That Screw Up Your Decision Making

You make thousands of rational decisions every day — or so you think.

From what you’ll eat throughout the day to whether you should make a big career move, research suggests that there are a number of cognitive stumbling blocks that affect your behavior. And they can prevent you from acting in your own best interest. Continue reading Cognitive Biases That Screw Up Your Decision Making

The Lotus Eaters: Remembrance and Coherence in a World of Addiction and Distraction

Being swept up in our intoxicating interests, most of us become numb to whatever we have chosen to forget. How great could it have been when I have all this before me now? We are largely a hypnotized society of troubled amnesiacs.

It seems forgetting what was once the most important part is as old a phenomena as antiquity itself. Will we humans ever break free from our self imposed chains and prisons to become beings who will remember?

Enjoy reading further: The Lotus Eaters: Remembrance and Coherence in a World of Addiction and Distraction.

Mrs. Cog