Poo Be Gone…Please!

Poo Be Gone…Please!


Cognitive Dissonance

(And now for a little humor.)

For countless millions of families in the US, there are certain inalienable truths. Food comes from the super market, water comes from the faucet and poo goes away…somewhere, anywhere.

Just make it go away……I’m begging you. Please!

The average homeowner knows precious little about the mechanical subsystems in their home…let alone how to affect simple routine maintenance and repairs. Our modern consumer culture teaches us one thing in life, how to beg, borrow or steal the money needed to hire someone else to do what we can’t, or more likely won’t, do. Continue reading Poo Be Gone…Please!

You Only Have One Inalienable Right – Part Two

I don't normally publish my rants. By  definition they are an excess of emotion regardless of how truthful or logical they may be. If one cannot master his or her emotions,  ultimately one is a slave to them. 

On occasion I become frustrated and  choose to vent rather than let it stew inside. I have learned it is best  to let it all go, lest I be consumed by anger, resentment and righteous indignation.

For some reason I have decided to post this one. Don't ask me why because I could not answer logically. This  particular rant was so long I took pity upon the poor reader and broke it up into two parts. Below find part two with part one published a month ago.

Cognitive Dissonance

(Please note, in part one I explained the only inalienable right we have is to be curious, inquisitive, thoughtful and brutally honest with ourselves.) Continue reading You Only Have One Inalienable Right – Part Two

Ψ Imperial Conditioning – Fear…the Controlling Meme

Imperial Conditioning

Fear…the Controlling Meme


Cognitive Dissonance


Admittedly we are a bit isolated from the rest of the world up here on the mountain. While we do venture off on a near weekly basis, our destination is almost always nearby mid-size towns where the big box grocery and retail stores are located. Occasionally we visit Winston-Salem, NC, about as big of a ‘big city’ we care to interact with.

We are beginning to feel a bit like Appalachian hillbillies, dreading the sight of city buildings while breathing a sigh of relief when we finally catch our first glimpse of the mountains upon our return.

“Look ma, it’s the mountains.”

“Hurry up pa. Just get me home.” Continue reading Ψ Imperial Conditioning – Fear…the Controlling Meme

Thoughts From Cognitive Dissonance Ψ ψ
