First Impression

First Impression


Cognitive Dissonance


"You never get a second chance to make a first impression!"

 The earliest attribution for this quote is a 1966 advertising slogan in an ad for Botany Suits.


We have a new neighbor…which is a big deal around here, since we have so few neighbors to begin with. As we like to say, we live at the end of a dirt road off of a dirt road off of a paved road out in the middle of nowhere. Our two dirt roads, each a mile long, are home to six houses, three of which are not presently occupied. Make that two, now that we have new neighbors.

Actually they have not moved in yet, having closed the purchase earlier this past week. They told the realtor there was much to do to the place before they moved in. While I am pleased the house will once again be a home to someone, rather than just another vacant box, I am also a little sad with the prospect. For the last 2½ years I have been the resident caretaker of the house and land and have come to know it well inside and out. Continue reading First Impression

Fear, Pain and First Till

Fear, Pain and First Till


Cognitive Dissonance


Because I have been struggling with back issues for several months, even though Mother Nature has been cooperating with a week or so of beautiful late March weather and temperatures, my body has been consistently saying no to heavy garden work.

Until today!

Actually my body still said no, but my mind decided to override the veto and haul out the tiller anyway just to see where my pain threshold resided. Remembering an old lesson about pain, fear and perception, I fired up the machine and commenced to tear and claw at the land. Continue reading Fear, Pain and First Till

It Hurts When I Do This

It Hurts When I Do This


Cognitive Dissonance


“Well, then don’t do that” is the proper response any competently trained physician would answer to a statement like that. Or at least that’s the well known joke passed around my household when I was a kid. Don’t do ‘that’ and you won’t have pain there.

It was actually a double entendre for us because we were too poor to simply run down to the local doctor for a proper diagnoses any time something hurt or went wrong. And this was during a time when medical care in general, while still expensive on a relative basis, cost much less as a percentage of our total income than it is today. Continue reading It Hurts When I Do This

Thoughts From Cognitive Dissonance Ψ ψ
