Patreon Newsletter #6 – Scraps on the Table

This issue of my Patreon Newsletter is open to the public. Please enjoy the article.

(I now have a Patreon presence and post exclusive content there for Patreon supporters only. Considering the $5 monthly Patron support reward is membership to Two Ice Floes, it's only fair I also post my exclusive Patreon content here for the enjoyment of my Two Ice Floes membership.

If you wish to read the Patreon Newsletter, but don't want to become a Two Ice Floes member, pop over to my Patreon page and become a $3 or more monthly supporter of Cognitive Dissonance. Or click the Patreon button on the upper left sidebar of this website. Thank you.)

Cognitive Dissonance

Mrs. Cog and I regularly compare notes while sitting at our desks conveniently arranged next to each other. It usually starts with a comment or observation tossed across the void while we are intently immersed in our own personal interests. On occasion, this results in feet thrown up on the desks and an involved back and forth as we hash out the subject nuances from our own particular point of view.

In this case I was commenting to the bride about someone of obvious substantial experience who was equally, and obviously, incompetent. But, surprisingly to me at least, they had not been washed out of their chosen profession, or in this case an income producing hobby, based solely upon their demonstrated incompetence. Continue reading Patreon Newsletter #6 – Scraps on the Table

Go Big or Go Home


Cognitive Dissonance


I just installed a brand spanking new mailbox here at the homestead, the type and size you often find planted in front of working farms around these parts. You know, of a size sufficient enough to accept delivery of a small cow or a medium pig.

The new mailbox is big, black and very beautiful, with a bright red flip up flag and the classic domed top to allow precipitation, frozen or not, to roll right off the poor cow or pig stuffed inside. There’s nothing worse than a wet cow. Dry, on the other hand, is much better. Besides, you can’t return a water damaged cow. I’ve checked and it’s a no go.

Continue reading Go Big or Go Home

Ψ – Patreon Newsletter #5 – Two Faced – Three Steps to Personal Hypocrisy

(I now have a Patreon presence and post exclusive content there for Patreon supporters only. Considering the $5 monthly Patron support reward is membership to Two Ice Floes, it's only fair I also post my exclusive Patreon content here for the enjoyment of my Two Ice Floes membership.

If you wish to read the Patreon Newsletter, but don't want to become a Two Ice Floes member, pop over to my Patreon page and become a $3 or more monthly supporter of Cognitive Dissonance. Or click the Patreon button on the upper left sidebar of this website. Thank you.)

Cognitive Dissonance

We’ve all wondered how someone could display heaping helpings of hypocrisy and not see, or even be aware of, their own duplicity and double standards. Regardless of whether it’s a stranger, a friend or even a family member, what is glaringly obvious to us is clearly not so to them. And just as clearly, if we can see it in them, they can also see it in us.

I just so happen to be an expert in personal hypocrisy, having demonstrated time and time again over many decades a propensity to default to hubristic demonstrations of humongous hypocrisy bar none. I am the king of the hill; which means I do know what I’m talking about. Continue reading Ψ – Patreon Newsletter #5 – Two Faced – Three Steps to Personal Hypocrisy

Thoughts From Cognitive Dissonance Ψ ψ
