Americans Play Their Trump Card – And Why the System Always Deals Us a Bad Hand

We are so inured to the present day socioeconomic system of exploitation and control that it has become seamless and mostly invisible to 'We the Walking Wounded'. Passed off as just the way things work, nothing to see here so move on, we sooth our crushed soul with the ego saving lament you just can't fight city hall.

It rarely occurs to us there is no need to actually fight at all, that what we dimly perceive as the enemy, the thorn in our paw, is doomed by its own dominance of an industrial age soon to be left behind.

Two Ice Floes welcomes back Joe Withrow, a long time TIF guest author, with another insightful and timely article outlining what is happening and how to navigate the fall of the industrial age and the Rise of the Individual.

Click here for his article.

Cognitive Dissonance

Creating Food Security With a Cottage Garden

“The first supermarket supposedly appeared on the American landscape in 1946. That is not very long ago. Until then, where was all the food? Dear folks, the food was in homes, gardens, local fields, and forests. It was near kitchens, near tables, near bedsides. It was in the pantry, the cellar, the backyard.” Joel Salatin

Once upon a time the food we ate did not come in a box or a bag or wrapped in shrink wrap with a stamp of government inspection marking it approved. In this long ago almost incomprehensible time, medicine was not purchased in a plastic jug with protective lids or seals on them. How inconvenient! How uncivilized! It must have been a hard way to live. Continue reading Creating Food Security With a Cottage Garden

Wash, Rinse and Repeat. Cognitively Captured via Perception Management.


Cognitive Dissonance


Just when I thought I was out….they pull me back in.” - The Godfather 3

God bless us everyone
We're a broken people living under loaded gun
And it can't be outfought
It can't be outdone
It can't be outmatched
It can't be outrun

The Catalyst by Linkin Park

 "It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." -Jiddu Krishnamurti


Cognitive Dissonance rises to the surface and rears its ugly head when reality (itself rarely perceived fully and clearly) doesn’t match our expectations aka beliefs. What occurs at that point, and how it plays out, is entirely up to the person, or group of people, experiencing the dissonance.

Though nearly all of us would be hard pressed to admit the following, in so many ways we live in a dream world created both by external forces intent on controlling us as well as our own self imposed cognitive distortions and ideology. The end result is nothing short of insanity. The primary reason we don’t recognize our insanity is because everyone else is insane, therefore insanity is accepted as ‘normal’ and fully integrated into the hive mind. Continue reading Wash, Rinse and Repeat. Cognitively Captured via Perception Management.

Thoughts From Cognitive Dissonance Ψ ψ
