It’s the Dismal Tide. It’s Not the One Thing.


Cognitive Dissonance


The other evening I amused myself by watching, for the fourth time at least, “No Country for Old Men”, a movie adapted from a novel by the same name and produced by the Cohen brothers. Though I’m not certain ‘amused’ is the proper term for what I actually experience when viewing the carnage from all corners of the universe as depicted in this movie. Each time I enter the realm of this ‘fiction’ something different within me is deeply disturbed.

When I was a young man I knew someone quite similar to the character Anton Chigurh, an emotionless, compassionless killing machine. The person I knew frightened the piss out of me every time I interacted with him simply because I never knew what the hell he would do next, though I always knew what he was perfectly capable of doing next if his deranged spirit so moved him.

The person I knew was insane by any imaginable definition of the word. Continue reading It’s the Dismal Tide. It’s Not the One Thing.

Heirloom Sweet Corn Year ‘Round

Corn is the number one crop in America and 88% of it is genetically modified (GMO).  As many of us who follow global health studies know (beyond the western big pharma/food sponsored studies) GMO foods are shown to be a direct cause of many chronic conditions and diseases including cancer and Alzheimer's.

While (for now) it’s possible to find some fresh ears of heirloom corn on the cob (grown from non-GMO seed) during the summer when it is in season, it becomes a bit more complicated to find ways to enjoy heirloom corn all year round. Almost all frozen and canned corn purchased in the grocery store comes from GMO corn. My solution is to can a bushel of sweet heirloom corn for the year each August. Continue reading Heirloom Sweet Corn Year ‘Round

Thoughts From Cognitive Dissonance Ψ ψ
