The Decline and Fall of Civil Society – Chapter One

The Decline and Fall of Civil Society

Chapter One


Cognitive Dissonance



From my perspective at least, it’s a chicken or egg question. Was civil discourse among a diverse human population desired, or even required, in order for civilization to form and flourish? Or did civilization initially coalesce, with civility to follow shortly after as a means to increase socioeconomic efficiency and to encourage people from killing or maiming each other by setting minimum standards for public conduct?

Or could it possibly be more symbiotic, with both components required in varying degrees and amounts for either component to survive and thrive in the combined form of ‘civilization’?

I am a child of the 1950’s and 1960’s, a time so far removed from today’s brave new world that, even to me, feels like ancient history. This is not to say it was all pomp and circumstance back then, but in many respects so-called civilization was much more civil in my youth than it is now. And this applies to just about all modern social interaction, regardless of the underlying medium, method or mix. Continue reading The Decline and Fall of Civil Society – Chapter One

Missing In Action

Missing In Action


Cognitive Dissonance



As a very young pup, whenever I was overdue and not home when expected, as all mothers tend to do mine would begin to fret. And it was always around this time, regardless of what I was doing or who I was with, I would get this intuitive feeling I needed to be home.


Ten or fifteen minutes later I would attempt to sneak back into the house, knowing full well there was hell to pay for overstaying my outdoor play visa. But there was no hiding from mom when her missing child radar was up and running. Obviously relieved to find me alive and not bleeding, after sternly admonishing me for being tardy, mom usually claimed she was getting ready to send the dogs out to search for me.

I never understood the comment, at least not during those tender early years, since we had no dogs that could be rapidly dispatched for search and rescue, let alone body retrieval. Nor did I understand her alarm that I was missing in action, since I knew perfectly well I was alive and kicking.

That was, and remains, a perfect example of pure unadulterated and unabashed narcissism on a scale only a child can achieve. It is also why, when finally relieved of our initial panic our little loved one is missing, we want to both hug and shake them to pieces.

Consumed by a huge heaping helping of fall homestead projects (they say winter is coming) I have been engaged in considerably less unadulterated and unabashed, and much MUCH more, narcissism. While I have several articles in various stages of completion, none are ready to be posted.

Please accept my apology, along with the promise of no more than one additional week of waiting until my next full-length article is published.

And thank you for your patience.



Cognitive Dissonance

Politicians’ Privilege

Politicians’ Privilege


Cognitive Dissonance



Imagine for a moment you work for a small or medium company, multinational corporation, utility, regional bank or even a local, state or national government or agency. You have a decent job with average pay and benefits, but for whatever reason you feel it may be time to move on. Doesn’t matter why, just that you wish to do so.

Time to hunt for a new job.

A competent manager (yeah, I know, but stick with me here) fully understands that at any point in time, 10-20% of her/his employees are casually, or seriously, looking for employment elsewhere. It’s called turnover and the HR department is quite familiar with the concept. That very same manager also knows some amount of ‘work’ time and resources will be devoted to (some might say stolen by) their soon-to-be-gone employee during their job search.

I’m not saying it’s right, just that it’s a present-day reality. It’s also one of many reasons why your work computer, and you, are increasingly under surveillance by your employer. One must always remember (at least according to the Supreme Court) we surrender certain inalienable rights when on the premises and/or in the employ of our paymaster. Continue reading Politicians’ Privilege

Thoughts From Cognitive Dissonance Ψ ψ
