David Holmgren’s “The Apology”

The Apology: From baby boomers to the handicapped generations.

by David Holmgren

Re-posted from Holmgren.com.au


Editor's Note: Despite my mixed feelings with regard to this piece by David Holmgren (one man cannot apologize for an entire generation, nor shoulder the responsibility for all its sins) ultimately it unfolds many of the cumulative socioeconomic ills plaguing our society and culture.

Twenty years ago, maybe even ten, I might have used the word "Western" when speaking of the cultural corruption, as if to hold harmless "Eastern" countries for the infection that was beginning to ravage and overwhelm their civilizations. I am much less inclined to do so now, for they too are welcoming with open arms the mass insanity of Wetiko.

Please, suppress any cognitive triggers you may encounter when reading this piece and allow the overall information to permeate your mind and soul.

Cognitive Dissonance


David Holmgren is an Australian environmental designer, ecological educator and writer. He is best known as one of the co-originators of the permaculture concept with Bill Mollison. - Editor

It is time for us baby boomers to honestly acknowledge what we did and didn’t do with the gifts given to us by our forebears and be clear about our legacy with which we have saddled the next and succeeding generations.

By ‘baby boomers’ I mean those of us born in the affluent nations of the western world between 1945 and 1965. In these countries, the majority of the population became middle class beneficiaries of mass affluence. I think of the high birth rate of those times as a product of collective optimism about the future, and the abundant and cheap resources to support growing families.

By many measures, the benefits of global industrial civilisation peaked in our youth, but for most middle class baby boomers of the affluent countries, the continuing experience of those benefits has tended to blind us to the constriction of opportunities faced by the next generations: unaffordable housing and land access, ecological overshoot and climate chaos amongst a host of other challenges.

Continue reading David Holmgren’s “The Apology”

Society Is Made Of Narrative. Realizing This Is Awakening From The Matrix.

Society Is Made Of Narrative. Realizing This Is Awakening From The Matrix.

By Caitlin Johnstone

Originally Posted on Medium


About once a year I break out my DVD of The Matrix and settle in for a trip into an alternative universe located center mass, both between my ears and in my soul. What I love about the movie is how each subsequent viewing unlocks previously unnoticed dialog or background minutia that enhances my understanding or befuddlement of the wonders of the human condition.

While it's always exciting to follow breadcrumbs laid down by others, the truly significant morsels spring from self discovery. It is not the breadcrumb itself that is revelatory, but the act of seeking and finding that brings the incremental awakening to the surface. We borrow, however temporary or permanent, when offered by others; we own when created or unearthed by our self.

But don't let this knowledge diminish the value brought by others when on our path of self discovery.  I consistently encounter significant personal breakthroughs when reading the thoughts of others, regardless if I agree with some, all, or none of their musings. While the tool (in this case articles and thoughts) may have greatly assisted me in my labor, ultimately the tool is guided by me, making the results of that labor mine to own and use.

With this in mind, I urge you to consume the following whole loaf of bread (to hell with breadcrumbs) baked up last August of 2018 by the mind of Caitlin Johnstone. It is only when we better understand ourselves can we first see, then defend, ourselves from the antics of others. Caitlin's article does precisely that. Enjoy!

Cognitive Dissonance Continue reading Society Is Made Of Narrative. Realizing This Is Awakening From The Matrix.

But We Need the Eggs

But We Need the Eggs

Re-posted from

Epsilon Theory


Ben Hunt of Epsilon Theory is one of those rare minds who not only can think outside the box while simultaneously standing inside, but personally grow and prosper while doing so. I suspect his secret springs from the fact he did not enter the "financial" field thru the traditional doors, windows and dungeons nearly all others are directed towards as the price of entry.

The article below, which was posted by Ben over a week ago, is in my opinion a must read, even for those who care little to nothing about the "financial" world. He hits the nail squarely on the head in a manner anyone can understand.

Bottom line...we have been, we currently are, and we will continue to be lied to about the "state" of our financial affairs in order to further enrich and empower a small select group of people. And our most effective defense is not to understand the minutia of the lie, but to simply see the lie for what it is, a lie, and not participate.

Please, invest 10 minutes of your time and read the article in its entirely.

Cognitive Dissonance.

Continue reading But We Need the Eggs

Thoughts From Cognitive Dissonance Ψ ψ
