9/11 – The Ultimate Litmus Test


Cognitive Dissonance


Thirteen years ago the world changed; though it is only with the benefit of perspective may we clearly see the extent and duration of that change. But change it did and remarkably so after perspective is found and the world is seen for what it really is rather than what we are told it is. Or what we want it to be based upon our own cultural conditioning and personally biased worldview.

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Dispatches from Occupied Territory – Awakening Alone While in a Relationship


Cognitive Dissonance


This is the fourth in a series of fictional explorations into an individual’s awakening to the suddenly unfamiliar world around and within her while still engulfed by the day to day insanity. These short stories in letter form are intended for the more sensitive and inquisitive reader who wishes to look more deeply within and explore in depth their beliefs and perceptions as well as how to cope with a world gone frighteningly mad. It is the author’s hope to accomplish this by way of an intimate and revealing first person correspondence between two long time friends as they discuss her ongoing awakening. The first three chapters may be found here.

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The Antidote – Essay Five: Creating Expanded Consciousness

Have you even wondered what the difference is between a person who is observant and one who is less so, between those who see little and those who see much? The answer, in a word, is mindfulness.

For generations we have been conditioned and trained to be mentally passive, to take rather than give, to consume rather than build, to accept at face value rather than question. I'm not talking about intelligence or expertise here, I'm discussing the applied application of our mind and spirit to expand our consciousness and see beyond our mental blinders.

Those who are less observant and mindful are more likely to be tuned to radio station WIIFM aka What's In It For Me. As in most things in life it is the intent behind  our actions that often determines if being 'selfish' is done purely for pleasure or for self improvement. Upon reflection we often find when things go wrong it was our intent which was out of sorts and not necessarily our actions.

On The Beach discusses this and so much more in his fifth essay of "The Antidote" series. Please click here and enjoy.

Thoughts From Cognitive Dissonance Ψ ψ
