Wellness Is The Best Medicine

Eliminating FEAR of the lack of affordable,  attainable and responsible healthcare is right at the top of my list for becoming more self reliant. If I am not healthy I can't do any of the other activities required to depend upon myself. I am not an "expert", but I don't need to be a physician to know that if I am well I don't need a doctor. Continue reading Wellness Is The Best Medicine

Exceptionalism – The Mind Killer

It is so deeply embedded, so seamlessly rooted and integrated into what we think of as ‘our self’, that when expressed oftentimes it is (intentionally) mistaken for something else entirely. Our indoctrination begins at birth in tiny little ways, mostly personal in nature, with our parents and care givers the initial delivery system. From day one out of the womb we are conditioned via adoring smiles and Coochie Coochie Coo’s that we are exceptional, one of a kind and King of the house. A few minutes of screaming has everyone running to stem the tears and change the pee pants. And it is all downhill from here. Continue reading Exceptionalism – The Mind Killer

Invisible Empire

Sometimes we have trouble seeing the forest from the trees. While it is most certainly important to understand the details and nuance of whatever subject matter we are presently studying, it helps immensely to pull back from time to time and see the bigger picture.......especially when we are attempting to comprehend The Grand Illusion.

Neil Kramer's latest missive, "Invisible Empire", does precisely that. With broad strokes Neil brilliantly illustrates both the popular 'myth' and a succinct alternative explanation,  along with some narrative to bring even greater perspective.  This is Neil Kramer at his best.

Click here to enjoy his article.

Thoughts From Cognitive Dissonance Ψ ψ
