Real Assets

As a young child the “Jim Dandy” at the local Friendly's Ice Cream store was my favorite treat, a delicious ice cream banana split feast. Now-a-days for economic prophecy I refer to my new Jim Dandy sundae for much of what I need to know. Meaning Jim Grant, Jim Rickards, Jim Rogers, Jim Willie, and of course Jim Sinclair with an extra (chocolate sprinkles) topping of Mark Faber. Continue reading Real Assets

Selling the Car Crash and Buying the Cancer

For just a few minutes I ask that you suspend disbelief and consider what I am about to say from the perspective of your point of view. Forget what others may say or do. Ignore how you think the herd might react to the scenario I’m about to outline and look deep within yourself into that honest place we all possess and rarely visit. Continue reading Selling the Car Crash and Buying the Cancer

Hypnotic Handshakes & Jedi Mind Tricks

I was fortunate to discover Neil Kramer relatively early in my initial awakening, that point when we are all consumed with finding answers and still not quite aware yet that the key is to ask better questions.

Particularly better questions of ourselves.

In order to ask those questions we must constantly seek out a broader, more encompassing perspective, which in turn requires gaining a better understanding of ourselves spiritually, mentally, emotionally and psychologically. This is where Neil Kramer proved so valuable to me back then.........and with the benefit of additional perspective, even more so today.

So please, take a few minutes and discover Neil Kramer for yourself.

Thoughts From Cognitive Dissonance Ψ ψ
