Magic Bullets

Featured image by: Elena Shumilova

When I was a child, if I fell down and skinned my knee my mother would gently clean me up, put a band-aid on my strawberry, and top it off with loving words to ‘make’ it all better. Later, when it was my turn to be a mother I did the same with my children, programming them to believe the magic band-aid would fix their strawberries. Whether it was the placebo effect, a good distraction or a combination of the two, it was effective and my actions could readily be seen as the kind and compassionate thing to do. Continue reading Magic Bullets

Of Spilled Milk, Water over the Dam and Reality Intrusions

When I am in the middle of a righteously indignant “I’ve been wronged” temper tantrum the last thing I want to hear is the phrase “There’s no sense crying over spilled milk”. Or that other classic, “It’s just water over the dam/under the bridge.” Hearing those while stamping my feet and blowing my top sure does ruin a good self indulgent rant. Continue reading Of Spilled Milk, Water over the Dam and Reality Intrusions

Chinese Consumerism (Where Gold is Money)

We hear a lot about China and the Chinese people these days, but rarely do we get a perspective drawn from everyday Americans on the ground living and working in China. Until now that is.

One of our TwoIceFloes members, actually a husband and wife team, retired recently  and moved to China to live and work. The following short article is a reflection of their thoughts. I hope they decide to keep us updated on a regular basis.

Please read the article here.

Thoughts From Cognitive Dissonance Ψ ψ
