Tag Archives: 2019

About That Liberal Media…

About That Liberal Media....


Cognitive Dissonance


Charts and Info from Business Insider


I dislike labels, particularly political labels. Their primary purpose is to categorize "others" in order for you and I to then apply a down and dirty cognitive shorthand, determining in effect if the "other" is one of "us" or one of "them". The only people who "win" when this type of thinking is applied are those who promote, and benefit from, a divide and conquer/control strategy.

As I've stated before, rarely have I found anyone who identifies as fully belonging to one ideological group or another. In America we are presented with two major ideological/political choices, Democrat or Republican, along with a host of minor parties who are consistently minimized by both the major political parties and the mainstream media.

In practice, most people identify with a political party based upon one or more specific beliefs or ideas promoted by "their" party.  But in effect, both Democrats and Republicans are essentially the same political party with slightly different factions squabbling over power within the main body.

On subjects which support the Imperial mindset and the Empire, such as endless war, government overreach, the police state, fractional reserve banking and the endless money creation of the Federal Reserve to name just a few, both parties are in near full agreement.

More is better! Continue reading About That Liberal Media…

Perhaps It’s Time to Believe the Impossible

Perhaps It’s Time to Believe the Impossible


Cognitive Dissonance



"Alice laughed: "There's no use trying," she said; "one can't believe impossible things." "I daresay you haven't had much practice," said the Queen. "When I was younger, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." - Alice in Wonderland.


It is often said, usually by those who wish to “educate”, control and manipulate us, that we are defined by what we believe. I submit it’s the other way around. We are defined, or more accurately confined, by what we disbelieve and think impossible, or at a minimum, improbable.

Once we consign something to the impossible, unbelievable, farfetched, unlikely, preposterous and unreal cognitive file, rarely, if ever, do we fish it back out of the garbage bin for reassessment and reconsideration. And why would we do so since it clearly belonged there to begin with, otherwise we never would have discarded it in the first place.

That right there is a perfect example of circular logic and emotionally comforting thinking. Continue reading Perhaps It’s Time to Believe the Impossible