Tag Archives: Cross Posting

American Addict: The Medical Police State

It is no secret we are addicted to convenience and quick fixes. When it comes to our health, most turn to the experts for a balm or a cure and will gladly accept a prescription if that will achieve the immediate goal and has been endorsed by an approved member of the establishment.

Rarely do "medical experts" look at the patient as a whole system which is either operating well or not. Modern medicine and all its technological glory will seek to fix our immediate problem. Rather than examine closely our complex symphony of organs and moving parts to see why something has really gone amiss, we too will often agree to just pop the pill.

It's a slippery slope we've been sliding down. For more, continue reading: American Addict: The Medical Police State.

The Art of Fighting Without Fighting

It's amazing that the ultimate authority on fighting and victory lived more than 2500 years ago. In his work the Art of War, Sun Tzu explains the 'supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.'

In today's complicated modern world, it seems this philosophy continues to reign while much of the so-called civilized world is being subdued without a shot being fired. Sun Tzu also said, 'know your enemy and know yourself and you can fight a hundred battles without disaster.'

Perhaps in our social media dominated technological society we should spend a bit more time getting to really know ourselves so that we too might defeat our enemy without fighting. For further insight please read: The Art of Fighting Without Fighting.

The Individual And His Future

The control system has convinced us we can’t move mountains. And the control system’s correct. We can’t……in one big push. That’s the illusion that’s promoted by us and others to keep us immobilized; it’s all or nothing. But we don’t need to do it all at once. We can move the mountain one wheel barrel at a time. Anyone can. Once we push through this falsely perceived and promoted high hurdle, and we do this through the application of rigorous honesty, we begin to understand that it’s us who control the chains that bind us to our servitude. - from Welcome to The Insane Asylum by Cognitive Dissonance 2010

Please join us for more recent insights from Jon Rappoport: The Individual and His Future.