
Taking Apart Psychiatry: Fraud-Kings of the Mind

by Jon Rappaport

“Promoting diabolically false science, psychiatry creates a gateway for defining many separate states of consciousness that don’t exist at all. They’re cheap myths, fairy tales.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)

USA Today, January 26, 2016: “Primary care doctors should screen all adults for depression, an expert panel recommended Tuesday.”

—Let’s screen everybody to find out if they have mental disorders. Let’s diagnose as many people as possible with mental disorders and give them toxic drugs—

Wherever you see organized psychiatry operating, you see it trying to expand its domain and its dominance. The Hippocratic Oath to do no harm? Are you kidding? Continue reading Taking Apart Psychiatry: Fraud-Kings of the Mind

Rogue Wave

Rogue Wave

By Cognitive Dissonance


It is the stuff of legends and lore dating back through all of recorded history, of sinking ships and sea monsters, of tall tales and tragic deaths. The problem was obvious; any credible witness to a rogue wave usually didn’t survive the rogue wave, thereby relegating the actual phenomenon to the looney tunes category by the so-called ‘experts’.

In an authoritarian culture only the authorities can declare something ‘real’ regardless of how much evidence has been previously offered. It took an actual ‘scientific’ measurement in the North Sea off Norway on New Year’s Day, 1995 aboard the Draupner platform to convince the scientists (aka the authorities) there really was such a thing as a rogue wave. Continue reading Rogue Wave

Butternut Blues

A few days ago I watched a video about the probability of global hyperinflation occurring.  The prospect of the world losing confidence in their currencies is not a new concept for me to consider. However, the timeline in this particular video for hyperinflation was greatly accelerated compared to my previous thoughts on the matter. This prompted the danger proximity alarm bells in my head to begin ringing in earnest.

I turned to Cog and for the 10th (or maybe 20th) time since we moved to the mountain said, “We’re gonna need more chicken soup.” Continue reading Butternut Blues