
A Brief Visit to the End of the World

by David Cain at

People mostly want the same thing, and many of us already have it, but we don’t really notice it.

I have no way of confirming this, but I bet that if you could interview people across different centuries and cultures, asking them what they wanted most, you would notice a distinct theme in their answers.

Some people would want great riches or power. Others would say they want something very specific: to invent a particular thing, or for a particular person to love them, or to win a gold medal or give an Oscar speech.

But I suspect most of them would say they want something like this:

I want to be able to do my work and spend time with my friends and family, free to live my own values in relative peace. I just want a fair chance to pursue love and happiness, and a stable, humble life. Continue reading A Brief Visit to the End of the World

Owning Yourself: Group-Think vs Individualism

By Bernhard Guenther at Wake Up World

In this day and age as the energies intensify, many of us are called to get out of our comfort zone, question consensus reality and the world we live in. We look for answers to deeper life questions, our individual purpose and role as we embark on the process of seeking truth within and without. Once you take the “red pill” it can become a lonely road at times and it is harder to relate to people we used to be around who don’t question what we’ve been told and taught via official cult-ure. The more we de-program ourselves from cultural, social, and religious conditioning, the less we “fit in” with the sleeping masses. We experience break-downs and separations of relationships and friendships. This is normal in light of the process of awakening. Continue reading Owning Yourself: Group-Think vs Individualism