March 2014 Ice Storm

The beautiful frozen branches in the above photo are not covered in the ice or snow that has been falling here on the mountain since Sunday, it is frozen fog. When the fog seeps in and hangs thick around our edge of the world, it is so cold and wet that it creates these spiked crystal formations. It's easiest to see on the thin tree limbs and even the barbed wire fences of the nearby cow pastures.

The solid ice that has been layering for two days has just begun to melt. The house is being pummeled with ice from the tall trees whenever the wind blows. The sudden and loud explosions of ice shattering on the metal roof and porches has "made me" jump up out of my chair more than once.

And... the power went out just as Cog was posting his piece Dogs of War on Zero Hedge. We are again successfully running the whole house on generator power. Thank you baby. :-)

icy morning 3 18 14 051

Mrs. Cog

March 18, 2014

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