Category Archives: Mrs. Cog’s Corner

Mrs. Cog’s Corner

Please join me on my journey through an extreme learning curve as this former city girl learns about self sufficiency and old fashioned, natural ways to keep me and my family healthy and well fed. If you are rural bred, much of this may seem like old hat to you, but perhaps you will pick up a few pointers or could share some wisdom with this newbie. For those of you who have lived in a city or the burbs and always purchased all the goods and services you needed...newsflash: this simple life is brilliant.

I am NOT an "expert" in any of the specific areas I discuss on these pages. What I have is an insatiable thirst for learning about ways to be self reliant in these changing times so I don't have to be in fear of  losing that which I am dependent upon. My goals are not to stop using the grocery store or to go "off the grid". I am grateful that the Emergency Room is still available for when one of us is injured. Discovering what people did before these options were available helps to present alternatives that simplify our way of living while actually providing a higher quality of life in many aspects.

That being said, in this highly specialized world we now live in, most look exclusively to teachers, doctors, lawyers and other such experts to give us answers to approach most everything. In the intensely personal world I now exist in, learning to bridge both ice floes means I must consider much more than just what those "qualified" individuals can offer. Perhaps while exploring, by asking better questions we can indeed find better answers.


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From Mrs. Cog's Corner

The content on this page is for discussion purposes relating to health and well being only and is not intended to be medical advice. Links and sources provided are for informational purposes and do not represent an endorsement of a person, product or treatment.

Turmeric is just amazing and has so many qualities and benefits that trying to describe them all here would be indeed re-creating the wheel. Yet, I think I would be remiss if I did not examine a few spokes. Previously, I published this page with just a fraction of the information here now, and it's high time I went back and detailed the extreme benefits from this natural substance.

The ancient healing practice of Ayurveda, from India, has more than 5,000 years of knowledge in the use of turmeric. A good description and history can be found here. Evidence shows that Traditional Chinese Medicine has also made use of this healing spice for as far back as history goes..

The active ingredient in turmeric is curcumin. With powerful anti-inflammatory proponents, it has been used for thousands of years to treat arthritis, swelling and sprains. Curcumin has been proven to have anti-cancer properties and multiple studies (see links below) have shown it's ability to stop and reverse the growth of tumors.  It contains powerful immune boosting traits and studies have found it effective in the battle with Alzheimer's and dementia.

The versatility of turmeric makes it available in many forms. In cooking turmeric is found in the blend of spices that make curry. There are also supplemental capsules and powders and essential oils. The many advantages of working turmeric into your daily routines is well worth the time researching it.

One important note: per clinical studies your body will absorb the turmeric at 20 times (that's 2000%) more effectively if taken with black pepper (aka bioperine). Many curcumin supplements now contain a blend with bioperine. This blended supplement was actually the same brand used in the very successful cancer testing at University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center whose links are listed below. Likewise, I mix black pepper essential oil with my turmeric oil blends for daily skin toning and many other health benefits.

More information:

Turmeric is one the most thoroughly researched plants in existence today. Its medicinal properties and components (primarily curcumin) have been the subject of over 5600 peer-reviewed and published biomedical studies. In fact, our five-year long research project on this sacred plant has revealed over 600 potential preventive and therapeutic applications, as well as 175 distinct beneficial physiological effects.

A promising new study published in Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry titled, “Dietary Curcumin Ameliorates Aging-Related Cerebrovascular Dysfunction through the AMPK/Uncoupling Protein 2 Pathway,”[i] reveals the primary polyphenol in turmeric known as curcumin (which gives it its golden hue) may provide what the study authors describe as an “effective therapeutic strategy to reverse age-related cerebrovascular dysfunction.”

On April 21, 2011, the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, top Western medicine abandoned it's normal research for new toxic chemo solutions for cancer to release a surprising paper on their curcumin research. The researchers were amazed at curcumin's ability to differentiate cancer cells from normal cells and create apoptosis (cell death) in cancer cells only, while actually promoting better cellular health in non-cancerous cells.

If the herb or spice you're looking for is processed or not organically grown, you risk missing out on their most potent active ingredients, which provide you with optimal benefits. If the herb or spice isn't cultivated, harvested, produced, and packaged using certified organic processes, you could be robbed of its healthful active ingredients.

Nothing can replace exercise, but turmeric extract does a pretty good job of producing some of the same cardiovascular health benefits, most notably in women undergoing age-associated adverse changes in arterial health.

In traditional Chinese medicine turmeric has been used to aid digestion and liver function, relieve arthritis pain, and regulate menstruation. Turmeric has also been applied directly to the skin for eczema and wound healing. Today, turmeric is used for conditions such as heartburn, stomach ulcers, and gallstones. It is also used to reduce inflammation, as well as to prevent and treat cancer.

Curcumin Clinical Studies:

Extensive index of curcumin and cancer research studies at MDAnderson:

Given all the research and the absence of many diseases and conditions in the cultures which have historically consumed curcumin, it’s a good idea to add this to your diet. My own research has revealed that curcumin may not be readily absorbed due to the hostile environment of the GI tract. Some suggestions I have come across on increasing its bio availability are: 1) Take it with the black pepper extract ‘bioperin.’  This is supposed to improve the bio availability 100 fold.

A link that takes you to the In-Depth Nutritional Profile for Turmeric, featuring information over 80 nutrients, can be found under the Food Rating System Chart.

Turmeric grows wild in the forests of South and Southeast Asia. It's one of the key ingredients in many Pakistani, Indian, Persian and Thai dishes and has incredible medicinal value, too.

To say Tom Newmark is passionate about turmeric is an understatement. He’s farmed the herbaceous plant to understand its inner workings. He’s traveled the globe to meet with researchers studying how it affects the inner workings of the body. It’s all been in an effort to confirm what people for thousands of years have believed: that turmeric is good for you. Very good for you.

Turmeric's primary active component is a molecule called curcumin, a powerful antioxidant. It is possible to purchase this component as a standalone supplement. Other organic compounds in turmeric have been found to offer anti-fungal and general antibiotic value. A number of studies are also pursuing turmeric as potentially being part of a natural cure for various cancers. When taking turmeric as a health aid, it should be remembered that curcumin is substantially more bioavailable when taken along with a bit of black pepper.

The antioxidants in Turmeric fight atherosclerosis by deactivating platelet-activating factor (PAF). This protein seals leaks in blood vessels by stimulating the growth of a protein “net” on which a cholesterol plaque can form. Curcumin in Turmeric helps prevent hardening of the arteries in people who have diabetes, and also helps stop the loss of protein through the kidneys. In the laboratory, the antioxidants in turmeric kill cultures of cancer cells from the skin, bloodstream, and ovaries.

The activities of turmeric include antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antitumor, antioxidant, antiseptic, cardioprotective, hepatoprotective, nephroprotective, radioprotective, and digestive activities. Phytochemical analysis of turmeric has revealed a large number of compounds, including curcumin, volatile oil, and curcuminoids, which have been found to have potent pharmacological properties.

Do you have a jar of turmeric languishing in your spice cupboard? Or perhaps you're looking for ways to add it to your diet in response to all the recent studies indicating its health-promoting and disease-preventing properties. Turmeric has long been a staple in Indian curries as well as in foods like mustard (it provides that golden yellow color!), but there are lots of other ways to eat and drink this spice. Here are seven easy ideas.

In order to make the most of turmeric, you must take it with a bit of fat. With curry (where turmeric is most popular), your body is able to make the most of the curcumin because there is usually some oil in the recipe. We can learn from this by trying to take turmeric as part of a healing synergistic whole—one healing piece of an overall healthful meal.

Do you suffer from inflammation, sore joins, menstrual cramps or even want to repair your muscles faster after yoga or a really good workout? If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, boy do we have a cocktail for you! I first started “shooting” coconut water and turmeric because I was experiencing painful cramps, but the more I did it, the more people I would encounter who were using turmeric every day to recover faster from yoga and reduce inflammation as part of their routine.

pH – Acid vs Alkaline

 From Mrs. Cog's Corner

The content on this page is for discussion purposes relating to health and well being only and is not intended to be medical advice. Links and sources provided are for informational purposes and do not represent an endorsement of a person, product or treatment.

As with all good things in life, our pH levels require a balance. Yet another controversial and polarizing conversation raging in the mainstream vs alternative health debate is about the human diet and whether or not the amount of alkaline vs acidic foods we consume may cause or prevent disease.

To further complicate the discussion, whether or not food has an acidic or alkalizing effect on our body after being consumed doesn't always correspond with what it was before. As an example, some of the most alkalizing foods we eat are citric acid fruits. On the flip side, wheat, flour, dairy and chocolate convert to a more acidic influence when when our body processes them. As Western diets have shifted to more convenient foods, ranging from frozen pizza to  restaurant meals, the change to a predominantly acidic state is evident in the chronic dis-ease and obesity that is plaguing our society.

pH (short for the power of hydrogen ) is a sort of measure of oxygen in the blood.  Too much or too little oxygen can lead to problems and much of the time, we have too little. This leads to a state referred to as oxidative stress, which can cascade into a myriad of adverse conditions.

While this subject seems quite complicated at times, since you can test the pH or your saliva and your urine and still not know if your blood pH is balanced, how are we able to mindfully keep a balanced state? As with so many tried and true simple answers, it appears we just need to go back in time.

Adding fresh green vegetables and fruits to our diets while removing processed foods is essential. All of the classic food adages: You are what you eat and Food is medicine apply. Not only does food provide nutrients that are carried to all parts of our bodies, but it regulates the transporting of oxygen to our cells. It seems silly to me that we value a new car to transport our physical bodies to and from, but we pay little mind to the vehicle which transports substances to keep our body parts functioning. As above, so below?

While there are more extreme approaches to alkalizing an acidic lifestyle, such as a Paleo diet or regular use of Bentonite Clay, I am finding it is actually fairly simple to have more metabolic balance by being mindful of the choices I make. In my household, I have added a new healthy item and removed something processed from the grocery list once every other week. This has been a great way to ease the family into new ways to think about eating. At first it didn't seem to be a big change, but in a year's time, their diets were transformed and everyone is healthier without the need for immediate radical change.

The other advantage to making deliberate alterations to a healthier diet now is the empowerment it gives each of us over our own wellness. While the proverbial crystal ball cannot show us the accessibility or quality of "health"care down the road, this is just another way to be more self reliant and take back control of our own lives.

Read more:

This alkaline food chart lists foods by degree of alkalinity from high to low. Below it is an acidic food chart that does the same. A healthy diet should include 60-80% alkaline foods and 20-40% acidic foods, but the degree to which a food is alkaline or acidic matters. A diet of primarily pasta, bread, soft drinks is highly acidic and will not be easily offset by the list of very low alkaline foods.

Over acidity, which can become a dangerous condition that weakens all body systems, is very common today. It gives rise to an internal environment conducive to disease, as opposed to a pH balanced environment which allows normal body function necessary for the body to resist disease. A healthy body maintains adequate alkaline reserves to meet emergency demands. When excess acids must be neutralized our alkaline reserves are depleted leaving the body in a weakened condition. A pH balanced diet, according to many experts, is a vital key to health maintenance.

Very important role in maintaining a favorable pH value in our body plays our diet. A large part of the modern diet results in a decrease of the pH value towards acidic. The imbalance of the pH value interferes with cellular activities and functions, especially if the pH value continues to decrease. Very high acidic pH value leads to deterioration of the cells, which at the end leads to serious health problems, such as gastritis, diabetes, osteoporosis, cardiovascular diseases and cancer. The fact that biological life has better function in a non-acidic (alkaline) environment clearly supports the usefulness of baking soda. - See more at:

One study from the Arizona Respiratory Center at the University of Arizona found that foods high in acid content (often those with an abundance of animal proteins and salt and low in fruits and vegetables) can lead to “a sub-clinical or low-grade state of metabolic acidosis,” potentially leading to an increase in the risk of cancer.

Clinical study: In conclusion, the increasing dietary acid load in the contemporary diet can lead to a disruption in acid-alkaline homeostasis in various body compartments and eventually result in chronic disease through repeated borrowing of the body's alkaline reserves.

Another clinical study: From the evidence outlined above, it would be prudent to consider an alkaline diet to reduce morbidity and mortality of chronic disease that are plaguing our aging population. One of the first considerations in an alkaline diet, which includes more fruits and vegetables, is to know what type of soil they were grown in since this may significantly influence the mineral content.

Welcome to "The pH Nutrition Guide to Acid / Alkaline Balance" by Jack Challem, the Nutrition Reporter. In this exclusive report, you'll learn one of the most important health secrets found in nutritional science: the pH secret to good health! Here's what's covered:

Very important role in maintaining a favorable pH value in our body plays our diet. A large part of the modern diet results in a decrease of the pH value towards acidic. The imbalance of the pH value interferes with cellular activities and functions, especially if the pH value continues to decrease. Very high acidic pH value leads to deterioration of the cells, which at the end leads to serious health problems, such as gastritis, diabetes, osteoporosis, cardiovascular diseases and cancer. The fact that biological life has better function in a non-acidic (alkaline) environment clearly supports the usefulness of baking soda.