Category Archives: Mrs. Cogs Posts

This Thanksgiving

When I was growing up, like so many other holidays Thanksgiving was a reason (or excuse) for the family to take some time off from the rat race and gather together. It was a time to indulge in some small allowances, cook something out of the ordinary, eat a little more than usual and allow ourselves some rest and relaxation. There were parades downtown and football on TV, plus the grownups seemed more cheerful and happy.

Both in school and at home we were given reasons to 'celebrate' the various holidays. In this case, so we were told, it was to give thanks similar to what the Pilgrims and Indians once did at their community feast. And what a warm story it was to help us embrace our thankfulness. Who would want to go and ruin it by examining why and how? Really, isn’t there anything left we can just enjoy for what it could be instead of all the ways it became something else? Continue reading This Thanksgiving

The New Great Depression

A few years back Peter Schiff opined the Great Depression of the 1930s would look like a Sunday school picnic compared to what is headed our way. Without a doubt the cat is out of the bag. Everyone knows things are not going well. Unfortunately, it seems most people think that fixing the system, changing the politicians, tweaking the rules and the return to honorable ways of yesteryear hold the solution to restoring our idea of a stable and prosperous society.

The disconnect is easy to perceive when we compare black and white faded photos from the 1930’s of dusty farms, soup lines and children who don’t smile to the modern edgy world images from our cell phones, televisions and computers of how things supposedly are now. We live in a bright and vivid world where descriptions have been meticulously spoon fed to us so we will largely act according to how others might see us and we can feel better about ourselves. This only works until financial or emotional changes crash into our lives such as the Big One roaring towards us all now.

The New Depression already began and the news blackout is deafening. Continue reading The New Great Depression

Watching Ebola

Big Brother isn’t watching. He’s singing and dancing. He’s pulling rabbits out of a hat. Big Brother’s busy holding your attention every moment you’re awake. He’s making sure you’re always distracted. He’s making sure you’re fully absorbed. ― Chuck Palahniuk, Lullaby (author of Fight Club)

One of the first lessons I learned on ZeroHedge was whatever topic or event was holding everyone’s interest, look around to find what else is happening which most people are probably too distracted to focus upon. I have little doubt that Ebola is a horrific disease and should not be casually dismissed. Between the misinformation, disinformation and blatant assumptions produced in both the mainstream and alternative media and it being an effective distraction from other vital events, I have decided to break our own web site rules (avoid fear filled click-bait topics) and talk about what we see and sense happening. Continue reading Watching Ebola