Category Archives: Mrs. Cogs Posts


Although our washer and dryer are still operating, the time has come to begin hanging the wash out to dry. Our property came with the posts where a clothesline had been used by the prior owners. It seemed only logical to stock up on a few well woven synthetic lines and a few hundred clothespins last year. How difficult can it be to hang wet clothes out to dry on non-rainy days?

For the zillionth time in the past two years, simplicity handed me my hat and pointed me towards the door. Indeed, the more I know the more I find I do not know. Thank you sincerely to all the bloggers and YouTubers who took the time to put together instructions and amusing stories for us modern city folk who cannot make a string, a wood clip and a shirt work together. Continue reading Clotheslined

Food Supply Interruptions: The Biggest Gamble

Top image of Calbuco erupting last week: credit Roger Smith

Nowhere have I witnessed a normalcy bias so strong as when it pertains to food. It has always been available at the grocery stores and in restaurants; at least that is the view of most people alive today. And if one falls on hard times, then the government in this country (the US) will probably supply you with an Electronic Benefit Transfer allowance (food stamps) and perhaps direct you to local food banks and/or co-ops to supplement your cupboards.

We take for granted that these operations are a given, for this is the way it has always worked.....or so we believe. So much goes into ensuring that an efficient journey occurs from the factory to our dinner table. Food supply has become extremely technical and reliant on industrial computers similar to those found at These machines are fantastic but they can't do it on their own, as many hungry Americans already know. While I welcome more and more of my fellow Westerners becoming aware of food reality, I cringe to think it will hit them where it hurts the hardest. It is not in the wallet, but in their bellies. Continue reading Food Supply Interruptions: The Biggest Gamble

The Great Fermenting Experiment

How we feel, both emotionally and physically, has everything to do with the balance of 'good and bad' bacteria in our digestive system, more commonly referred to as the gut. The human body hosts tens of thousands of types of bacteria and the trick is getting them into balance.

Your digestive bacteria, also known as gut flora, actually regulates much of your immune system. If you are ill or suffer from a chronic condition or disease, chances are your gut flora is completely out of whack. In fact, with the diet of most Westerners containing processed foods, refined sugars and GMO non-organic foods, having a gut bacteria imbalance is quite common. Continue reading The Great Fermenting Experiment