Category Archives: On The Mountain

Winter Wonderland

I was returning from a trip back to the Northern Virginia area where we previously lived to take care of some business when I ran into some 'weather' a half hour from the homestead. The roads around here are twisty up and down roller coasters and it's not uncommon for the elevation to change by several hundreds of feet within just a quarter mile or so.

As I began to ascend a ridge line I noticed strange ice formations on some of the grass and trees, which grew heavier as I continued to climb. It wasn't your normal ice, as you can see by the photos above and below, but whiter, thicker and fluffier. I quickly concluded that the fog that was rolling in and out must be freezing on some surfaces, causing the spectacular winter wonderland I was witness to.

The freezing fog phenomenon was limited to a pretty narrow band of elevation as well as location. The picture above was taken about 200 yards from where I was getting onto the Blue Ridge Parkway. Yet a mile down the Parkway all traces of the frozen fog were gone. I suspect conditions were just a little bit too warm for the fog to freeze and the ice never appeared.

Below is a shot taken from the Parkway descending into a sheltered valley. In the foreground is a fence that is clearly free of frozen fog, yet looking out to the background you can see the trees and other areas are covered while other areas nearby both higher and lower are frozen fog free. Click on the image to enlarge.

Parkway Frozen FogBelow I share a close up of some roadside brush and weeds covered in the frozen fog. Note how the deposit of the fog is unpredictable even in area just 10 feet wide. None of the leaves on the surface of the hill itself have any ice, yet grass a few inches above the leaves show a coating of the frozen fog.

Close up Frozen FogThe next image below was taken from the warmth of my car on a blind curve. I snapped about a dozen shots, then thought better of my precarious position and drove away. No sooner did I put the car in motion, but someone came round the curve behind me and hit their brakes. I'm certain they were wondering who the fool was parked in the middle of their lane of travel.

In the image below note how thick the ice is on the individual branches of the tree as well as the ice on the fence to the right, yet how little there is on the fence to the left.  Same thing with the ice on the grass to the right and how little to the left.

Frozen Fog TreeThe next image below is of a man made pond on the side of the road with what I assume is a pump house in the back ground. Again it is interesting to see what has been covered with frozen fog and what has not. This was one of my favorite photos that I took that afternoon.

Pump HouseYou can really see the dramatic change in elevation in this image below. There simply is no flat land around here, just more hilly or less hilly. Once again if you study the picture you can see how the fog froze in some places and not others.

Frozen LandscapeFinally the picture below may look familiar. The framing is slightly to the right of the image at the top of this page and zoomed in a bit. It looks like the ice is growing out of the fence posts in the mid ground while the background now includes the house to which the barns in the top picture belong to.  Check out the pine tree in the upper right corner. The back side has no ice indicating the direction the fog was flowing while it was freezing.

Frozen HouseWe  are expecting a snowstorm over the next few days that is expected to drop a foot or more of snow, our first real snowstorm since moving here. I hope to be able to bring some winter wonderland pictures as soon as I can dig ourselves out. See you soon.

Cognitive Dissonance


Even though we are only a few miles north of the North Carolina border, thus one would think we would have rather temperate weather, we are 3,000 feet up on the Blue Ridge Plateau. Worse, we are right on the edge of the plateau with our rear property line running along the ridge that immediately begins a 1,500 foot drop.

Needless to say the weather here can be volatile at times, with large wind and temperature differences between our home and the Blue Ridge Parkway just a half mile away as the crow flies. In fact I have felt a significant temperature difference between our home and the neighbor's just an eighth mile down the road.

In the relatively short time we've lived here "on the mountain' we have experienced a variety of weather spanning all four seasons. From what I gather talking to the locals the weather around here has not been 'normal' since we signed the purchase agreement. Hopefully the community hasn't put two and two together and concluded that we are the cause of the abnormal weather.

Here is where I will post images and observations on the weather and its effects as the season's turn. Hope you enjoy the show and running commentary.

Cognitive Dissonance

Power Washing the Deck

(Click on any of the images below to enlarge.)

When we first viewed the property in January of 2013, one of the very first things I put on my mental 'to do' list if we bought the property was to power wash the rear deck. It had been more than 16 years since the owner had the deck professionally built and over that time the Poplar tree located between the two wings of the deck had dropped its fair share of leaves, slowly building up a pretty thick layer of green slime, mold and mildew.

Soon after we moved in I was out back on the deck after a light rain had fallen and nearly broke my neck trying to walk across the slippery surface. Still, even after my near death experience, power washing the deck was pushed down the priority list in order to accommodate more pressing items inside our home that needed to be taken care of in order to pack away stuff and beginning living on the mountain.

By early August I was ready to tackle the deck, and by extension the deck benches (a separate article about the deck benches project can be found here) so I began to think about how I would seal it after power washing. Originally I had considered a semi-transparent stain that matched what I had thought was the base color of the deck.

But upon closer inspection I found that any 'color' I thought was there was just dirt or crud that had built up over the years. It was then that I decided to just go with a clear Thompson's Water Seal and allow the natural color and grain of the sixteen year old pressure treated wood show through.

Below is an image of the deck benches before restoration on the deck before it was power washed. As you can see the deck was filthy, and when wet very slippery.

Benches BeforeBelow is another "before" image taken from the other side of the deck before it was power washed. I had just begun to set up the power washer in this image and began to work the deck shortly after this picture was taken.

Power WasherThe power washer has four different nozzles that can be used ranging from a wide spray (call it one) that can be used to wash the car to a very narrow spray (call it four) that, while powerful, can remove paint and wood rapidly if one lingers for just a second or two too long in one place. I selected nozzle number three and began to work the far end of the deck.

Very quickly I discovered two things. One, that the dirt and grime wasn't going to come off easy and two, that because of this I was going to need to work slowly and deliberately. Meaning that I was looking at easily 12-14 hours of work to power wash the entire topside of the rear deck.

Anyone who has used a power washer knows that the closer you move the nozzle to the work the more push back you get in the wand. I had to hold the wand within an inch to two from the surface and move very slowly over the deck in order to remove most of the crud. After a while this became painful on my wrists, both of which I already suffer from some carpal tunnel syndrome. I wound up wearing some heavy elastic wrap around both wrists and switching the wand from left to right and back again every fifteen minutes.

However, the results were spectacular. Below is a shot of the deck area where the deck benches were before removal. While it is taken from the opposite angle you can clearly see how much cleaner the deck is after cleaning and before. And the deck is still mostly wet which tends to make the wood look that much darker. This is the northeast side of the deck and house, and thus where I would expect the greatest buildup of mold, moss, dirt and gunk.

Deck Comparison 1The next image below shows the southeast section of the deck and house. This section of the deck receives the greatest amount of sun during the summer, so while the buildup of dirt and grime is less the wood has taken a greater beating from exposure. Because the wood deck has a bit more weathering and cracking, the grime was deeper into the pores of the wood and actually took more effort to remove. But once again the difference was remarkable.

South Deck ComparisonThe next two images are before and after images of the stairs running down the south side of the house. Again these stairs receive the heaviest weathering and were most in need of cleaning, then sealing. Once again the change was night and day and well worth the effort.

Before. (This image is a bit distorted so click on it to see the full resolution.)

South Stairs BeforeAfter. (This image is a bit distorted so click on it to see the full resolution.)

South Stairs AfterAfter I had completed the power washing I then prayed for dry weather and waited three full days to allow the deck to thoroughly dry. I understood that the power washer drove water deep into the wood pores and I did not want to seal the wood when it was still damp. On the fourth day I got the roller and brush out and used almost seven gallons of Thompson's Clear Water Seal to finish the deck. In the image below you can see how the clear seal darkened the deck slightly while bringing out the grain. I loved the results.

Sealing the deckThe instructions on the Thompson's warned against using too much seal so I decided that I would put a second coat on in the spring of 2014. At the very least the south facing side could use another coat to help prevent more damage than it already has suffered.

I shall update this article as the work progresses.

Cognitive Dissonance