I've written before about unspoken and unacknowledged collective understandings, where the herd cognitively gathers in agreement as if compelled by a special attractor, but without clear and acknowledged leadership. The dynamics of crowd psychology are not well known to the average Jane and Joe, yet it does have an effect even when the crowd is widely disbursed. Some might call this the collective unconscious, others simply the collective will or the herd mentality. Continue reading Enlightened Self Interest and Financial Industry Hypocrisy – Ch. 2→
Too often we divide the world into black and white hats on good and bad people, or left and right ideology that’s right or wrong. Absolute certainties make the process of determining what to believe, to deny or just to ignore so much easier when we don’t actually need to navigate through the cognitive fog to reach critical thinking. Continue reading Enlightened Self Interest and Financial Industry Hypocrisy – Ch. 1→
One can find inspiration wherever we look. All we need is the desire to see. It is with this thought in mind that I post this wonderful piece by On The Beach which was inspired by a comment he saw in a thread of an old article I wrote for Zero Hedge back in October of 2011.
This is the second article On the Beach has submitted for publication in Two Ice Floes very unique "Your Turn To Publish" feature. Are you looking for a place where your thoughts or views can be posted for others to read and ponder? Well "Your Turn To Publish" is open to everyone, not just membership.