How to Be a Good Stranger

I can't count the number of times I've been surprised to find I like someone after talking with him or her for just a few moments. The question is......why am I surprised? The answer is......because I had already judged before knowing.

Once again David Cain walks us down a path to greater self awareness with his latest piece. Click the link and invest a few minutes of your time to discover how to be a good stranger.

What’s In Your Medicine Cabinet?

This journey into my medicine cabinet began quite by accident several years ago. It was born out of fear. Fear we might not have access to affordable healthcare in the future. Fear a geo-political event or severe weather emergency might leave us without required medical attention. Fear of personal suffering or worse, of watching my family suffer needlessly.

What did people do before the age of specialization? Nowadays everyone defaults to the “trained professionals” and “experts”, but for thousands of years prior people actually succeeded in taking care of themselves. Surely we modern humans have not out-smarted ourselves to such a degree we cannot take back that responsibility and become empowered. Continue reading What’s In Your Medicine Cabinet?

The Antidote – Essay Six: What To Do Now?

With the concluding installment of On The Beach's six essay series (with much more to come we are promised) the overriding theme is one of sole and ultimate personal responsibility, a favorite theme of mine as well.

Regardless of the outside influences brought to bear upon you and me, we alone are responsible for the choices we make as well as the consequences that flow from those this life and beyond. While ignorance may be bliss, the repercussions from such a myopic and narcissistic choice (and let there be no doubt ignorance and narcissism is our choice alone) ripple outward and onward forever.

With that said let us enjoy Essay Six: What To Do Now by On The Beach

Cognitive Dissonance

Thoughts From Cognitive Dissonance Ψ ψ
