Big Changes to Two Ice Floes

September 16, 2014


Dear TIF Premium Members and Frequent Visitors,

As you know Two Ice Floes has been up and running since Valentine’s Day of this year. After much discussion and careful evaluation by us, we now better understand what it is that our members and frequent visitors value most. Furthermore we have more clarity as to what content people want in order to join our site, thus providing the opportunity for our continuing efforts to keep Two Ice Floes flourishing.

Over the next week or so we will be changing the portions of the website that can currently be accessed by the general public. You may have noticed some of these formatting changes as they were rolled out over the past few weeks as the content from ‘Mrs. Cog’s Corner’ and ‘On the Mountain’ Projects are now, and will remain, accessible to the general public.

Cog’s library will become for the most part restricted to members only, as will certain upcoming publications marked with a (Ψ). We are creating a Basic Level membership for a flat $20 per year which will be a read-only pass to all content on the site except the forums. Basic members will be able to leave comments under articles, but they will not be able to read or participate in the forums.

Current (Premium) Members and those signing on at the current $50 per year /$30 per six months rate will have access to all site content as well as the forums and comment sections. The only change you will see is that you will need to be logged in to view much of what had been available for the public to view including the forums. Additional enhancements are in the works for Premium Members as well.

After the changes are fully implemented, new links will be placed at the top of the left-hand black sidebar on the home page to direct everyone to both restricted and public information. No one will need wonder where anything is located or what, if any, level of membership will be required to access it.

Having been online at Two Ice Floes (TIF) for more than six months we feel we have found our bearings and can now set our course. With more than a quarter million hits to the site we would like to encourage many of our regular visitors who are not members to join as Basic Members and support our efforts. In return we will continue to publish original material while sharing our unique slice of reality.

We welcome new voices to our conversations and encourage the majority of our membership, most of who do not comment, to jump in and share your thoughts, discoveries and links.

Thank you for your patience during this brief period of transition.


Mr. & Mrs. Cognitive Dissonance


2 thoughts on “Big Changes to Two Ice Floes”

  1. PS Please note we are not restricting the access to articles and essays published under “Your Turn To Publish” or material cross-posted from other websites under “Perspectives of Others” from public view. It is only selected pieces (Ψ) of Cog’s original work and certain upcoming portions of his writing that this applies to.

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Thoughts From Cognitive Dissonance Ψ ψ
