Category Archives: Guest Contributed

Skyception – Deception & Psy-Ops

Skyception: The Deception and Manipulation of ‘We the People’ and our Skies



Chapter One

The Levels of Deception and How Psychological Operations are Used Against Us

Click here for Chapter Two

Click here for Chapter Three

When was the last time you looked up at the daytime sky and really examined it for several minutes? Does it seem different to you in some way, but you just are not sure what it is? Increasingly, people from all walks of life are beginning to realize that at times our skies look quite different from the way they were a few decades ago. While just a few years ago these people would have been laughed out of the room if they expressed their views in public, more and more these days this subject is beginning to be taken seriously by the general public…..and even some ‘officials’ as well.

While some call this phenomenon Geoengineering or Climate Engineering, it is more commonly known in the alternative community as ‘Chemtrails’, where persistent vapor trails (supposedly of water vapor) are visible after a plane passes high overhead. There are many theories offered in the alternative media about what is happening, and we will examine nearly all. However, before we can address any of them we must first ask a more basic question: Why is it so difficult to discover the reasons behind what is going on and why is this observable phenomenon occurring at all? This chapter, the first of three, will describe some of the methods used to intentionally prevent us from knowing and understanding the truth.

Before we can begin to explore the truth we must first understand the various ways we are misled, manipulated and deceived using Psychological Operations or ‘psyops’. Once we are better able to see through the lies and cover stories, then we can begin to explore who and what is behind these programs and what it all means to us. ‘Aerosols’, whether visible or not, will be defined and used throughout these three chapters as the intentional application of materials - chemical, biological, nano or other particles - into the atmosphere most commonly by, but not limited to, airplane. The word ‘chemtrail’, a commonly used descriptive term many are familiar with, has become misleading and even derogatory which in turn helps to perpetuate the manipulation. Therefore it needs to be discarded and will be for the remainder of this series.

Psychological operations (pysops) are the means by which intelligence agencies, governmental operatives and private networks accomplish their deceptions and which operate on every social, corporate and governmental level imaginable. This chapter will examine a number of these psyops, all of which have been deployed against us, and provide examples so we may have the tools to avoid being duped or suckered into their deliberate lies and pursue their false leads.

The basic goal of any psyop is to provide cover for something the operatives wish to remain hidden or obscured. And in the case of aerosols and geoengineering, the psyops appears to be very large and complex since operations of this magnitude require a huge amount of money (many billions of dollars annually), time, cooperation among diverse groups and complicity to make it all happen. Particularly when you consider the number of pilots and air crews, media people, private corporations, governmental agencies and others involved who need to remain silent about it. Given all of these factors there seems to be little question about the importance of what they are covering up, something to keep in mind as we explore this subject further.

The most common and effective psyop used against us is known as ‘Manufactured Consent’ and ‘Manufactured Dissent’. When used together, these techniques are specifically designed to gather consensus for a particular opinion while simultaneously creating controlled, and easily dismissed, dissent by way of a carefully crafted opposing view. These methods are often employed in our political world to polarize an issue by creating false ‘choices’. We are either ‘Left’ or ‘Right’, ‘Conservative’ or ‘Liberal’, ‘Democrat or Republican’.

This also applies to the Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) debate where you are presented with only two choices. Either you are required to completely support AGW or you are derisively labeled a climate change denier if you question the so-called ‘settled science’ regardless of whether or not you actually deny changes in the climate. Argue all you want for either side, but you are not allowed to diverge from either, which in turn very effectively constrains both alternative discussions and outcomes.

These command and control techniques have been used for thousands of years to divide and rule the masses via politics, religion, ethnicity, race, gender and so many other ways in order to keep people partitioned and fighting amongst themselves. We might even speculate that Darwin’s theories of evolution were intended to act as Manufactured Dissent to obscure the true cause of evolution while providing a controlled outlet for those looking outside the church for answers to our creation. Given how Darwin’s work buried many truths only now coming to light, along with his connection to British elite and eugenics, and it is not difficult to reach this conclusion, especially when considering the true nature of the evolutionary process.

By forcing people to either side of the aisle in the AGW discussion, this psyops technique severely limits the ongoing conversation regarding the real factors behind climate change while discouraging any mention of aerosols without a verbal beat down consisting of derision, mockery or marginalization and coming from both sides. As you will see in the next chapter, the issue of AGW is inextricably linked to aerosols and it is important and necessary to maintain false beliefs and deception in the climate discussion in order to be useful for other more complicated psyops. Rarely does a psyops exist in a vacuum, but rather many psyops are carefully interlinked to build mutual credibility while more completely confusing the issues from the intermixing. This is done even when one entity does not control the other entity’s psyops. In the black ops world, even opposing forces will feed off each other for their own benefit.

Secrets - CleanSynergy of Psyops Mind and Motion

The goal is to keep you endlessly circling this cognitive level and to keep you engaged, consumed and neutered in this ideological fight. For some it has become almost a religion as they try to convert and convince others to act now in order to stop the so-called ‘carbon pollution’ that is supposedly cooking and destroying our planet. And those against AGW are just often as duped, since they are against it for all the wrong reasons yet still serve a useful purpose in the fight. They are just as unwilling to look up and ask ‘why’ and openly discuss what is happening to our skies. Unfortunately both sides are just as quick to dismiss the science in defense of their favored ideology.

If for some reason we find the courage to break from the ideological pack and speak up about the truth, that our climate is influenced by many other factors more significant than human activity and our carefully hidden and obscured solar (and solar system) history is critical to know when trying to understand what is happening today; if this direct approach is tried with such a degree of professionalism that it threatens to be publically influential, then the next level of psyops is quickly deployed to prevent us from effectively speaking out.

Money for silence is often the first (and most effective) approach. But if you don't remain silent, potentially controlling information or ‘files’ – containing some of the illegal or embarrassing things you may have done or are currently doing - are used against you to force your silence. If that fails or damaging ‘files’ are not available, more direct ‘Soft Weapons’ are used. There are a number of different approaches that can be employed to apply pressure and keep you contained. They can threaten your funding or career, destroy your business and personal relationships, attack you in the media or even physically threaten you. The sky (pun intended) is the limit.

One can look back in time to both Nicola Tesla and Immanuel Velikovsky and recognize how this line of attack was used quite effectively during the course of the last century to keep their important work and theories out of public knowledge and discourse. There are numerous examples of modern day scientists and other professionals suffering severe and debilitating consequences when they spoke out against, or directly questioned, the AGW ideology. And all it takes is a few public beatings to dissuade others from openly considering other factors when researching or discussing climatic change.

Most people remain at this level in the ideological fight without ever seriously considering what is happening both in our skies and further out in space. Is it no wonder then that people remain functionally unaware of the persistent trails and aerosol programs since they have been manipulated into not questioning it? Many might not remember, but a decade ago questions about persistent trails were widely covered in the media and it was openly discussed at the time. The term used back then was also ‘chemtrails’ and in order to deflect and dampen the public discourse the word was quickly associated with the CIA-developed derogatory term ‘Conspiracy Theorist’.

With that weapon in their arsenal, the operatives could provide a simple but illogical explanation for the persistent trails and quickly dismiss serious people armed with valid questions by the effective use of public derision. Most people quickly moved back into their slumber and did not question the issue further, especially since they did not want to be associated with all those other publically disliked Conspiracy Theorists. A similar method was used early on to dispel ‘Truther’ questions about 9/11. It was, and remains, a very negatively charged weapon that can be quickly mobilized to shut down discussion on any controversial subject.

However, there are those of us who realize something is going on that is not normal, especially since the persistent trails have increased in frequency over the last decade, thereby prompting many more people to ask penetrating questions, do their own research and begin to break away from the hive mind of consensus and corralled thinking.

At this point, newer and increasingly complex psyops are required as it becomes progressively more difficult to keep a lid on it by keeping us confused and contained. As we begin to follow the camouflaged trail and look to non-mainstream sources for information and analysis, we find sock puppets who are paid trolls, opposition figures and various others in chat rooms and forums. An entire industry of professional trolls has been created just to convince you, me and millions like us that it is crazy and socially dangerous to look any further.

Many of our friends and family, who often lack the natural curiosity and intestinal fortitude to swim against the tide and be shunned themselves, prefer to think we are nuts to even discuss subjects such as this. Complicating matters immensely, we have probably brought our own AGW opinion or ideology to the party and have yet to find other resources that could educate us about our climate in relation to the space beyond our atmosphere, our own sun and other celestial bodies. With all this, most mildly curious people just throw up their hands in frustration and head back to their mind numbing entertainment for emotional relief.

Televisions - CleanOpiates for the Mind

The lack of understanding of the AGW psyops (or any psyop for that matter) provides an opportunity for more nuanced operatives called ‘Gate Keepers’ to engineer their blocking techniques. These highly trained specialists provide kernels of credible information and readily admit to part of the truth, thereby providing plausible cover for the larger hidden issues. The gate keepers are widely supported by the subverted mainstream media and are declared public experts, thereby appearing highly credible in the eye of the general public. This valuable media support enables them to bar the gates to embargoed information and a better understanding of the subject matter. Often the information provided by the gate keeper is designed to distract and disarm or, in this case, to feed the overall ideology of AGW no matter what side you may still support.

We can think of a few groups that fit this description, for example Geoengineering Watch to name just one. They are popular in some of the alternative media and are involved in the production of documentaries that perpetuate the AGW myth, yet they refuse to engage in serious discussion about the role our sun plays in our planet's climate. Ultimately they are similar in function and style to Noam Chomsky, Glenn Greenwald and Amy Goodman, all well-known 9/11 (and other verboten subjects) gate keepers.

Now that geoengineering itself is becoming more familiar to the public, in the latest psyops twist we now find much talk about using geoengineering to combat the Global Warming threat, effectively using leverage on one subject to perpetuate another in what is called a ‘Limited Hangout’. This ‘theme’ has become more prominent in the alternative media over the last few years, with questionable sources like Abby Martin of Russia Today or even Amy Goodman of Democracy Now! playing their well rehearsed role to help roll it all out for public consumption. I will speak more on this subject in the next chapter.

Another twist to be aware of is Nexrad, a term often used to describe land-based electromagnetic facilities used together with aerosols to manufacture all of our weather. We are informed it is used solely for this purpose; sometimes it is even promoted as weather warfare. However, there is no discussion of space weather impacts when discussing Nexrad and solar influences are never mentioned by those acting as a Gatekeeper for this issue.

As mentioned earlier, limited hangouts are another attractive nuisance designed to keep you from the truth. We can identify when a limited hangout is deployed by recognizing certain revealing characteristics identified by Webster G. Tarpley, who had originally developed the list during his study of geopolitical events. Some of the same giveaways can also be applied to identify other types of limited hangout psyops on topics such as aerosols.

The list is as follows.

1. Media Darling -- you are the spotlight of the media

2. Nothing New -- you learn nothing new from what they reveal

3. Nothing Big -- they don't address larger connected issues; for example 9/11, false flag attacks, financial fraud etc

4. Prepares New Coverts Ops –- it acts as cover for larger operations

5. Cheerleaders Get Prestigious Careers -- back to Chomsky, Goodman and Greenwald

6. No Top Careers Destroyed -- damaging information that is attributed to, or blamed upon, no one of importance

7. Damascus Road Conversion -- now s/he believes the ‘truth’ should be revealed

A subject that quickly comes to mind when looking at this list is HAARP. With books, TV shows and other significant media coverage focused squarely upon HARRP, one has to wonder why so much can be known about a ‘secret’ program that gets so much of the blame for aerosols, weather modification and other related programs. It was handed to you and me on a beautifully engraved silver platter as the solution to all our questions. All one need do is consume and then sleep.

Another debilitating technique used is to create or enflame infighting within the ‘community’ to induce you and I to choose the ‘right’ side by accepting their argument for why they alone are correct. We saw this recently with Dane Wigington and Michael Murphy attacking each other while WeatherWar101 skillfully inserted him/herself into the fight. With explosive terms bandied about by both sides such as disinformation, agent/operative and psyops, it is easy to fall prey to these false ‘disagreements’. While they claim to occupy different sides of the discussion, all of them refuse to talk about the main influences on our climate and weather systems, even going so far as to deny it is relevant at all.

To fully understand the changes to our climate we must know our true solar history (something which has been deliberately kept from us) what is presently happening within our solar system and, perhaps more important, with our sun. If we fail to do so we will remain deeply confused, which leads directly to false trails down dead end rabbit holes. In chapter three you will find trusted information sources that can help you acquire this knowledge.

There are a number of theories that purport to explain the geoengineering and aerosol programs, some of which are likely organic while others are intentionally developed and planted to keep us confused and away from the truth. Regardless, each of them needs to be considered in light of all of the facts we have and viewed through the revealing lens of psyops. Remember, what is not talked about is often far more important than what is actually discussed. While some theories may be true or even part of larger operations or programs, others can be easily disproven as false, uninformed or intentional disinformation.

In chapter two we will examine some of these theories and poke holes in them where appropriate. In addition, we need to further explore the use and abuse of the word ‘Chemtrails’, a very broad and indistinct term commonly used to describe all we observe visually and chemically. It may be vitally important to publically abandon the use of this word and use persistent aerosols and non-persistent aerosols instead. The distinction is relevant and will be parsed further in chapter two.

Reference Links Below The Image.

Braintrails - CleanBraintrails


Psychological Operations

Manufactured Consent and Dissent:

Soft Weapons and Sock Puppets

Limited Hangouts

Conspiracy Theory

Gate Keepers - "Who Cares" at 6:00


Has The Chemtrail/Geoengineering Movement Been Hijacked?

The Majesty of Mindfulness

By Joe Withrow

Author of "The Individual is Rising"


Mindfulness is a rare quality in our world today. There is little need for Mindfulness within the halls of the great and mighty institutions of society. There is little time for Mindfulness within individuals due to the demands of the rat-race, the allure of consumerism, and the overload of electronic stimuli. And there is outright disdain for Mindfulness from the ruling class sitting atop the collectivist pyramid.

Yet Providence smiles favorably upon the Mindful.

Mindfulness is neither flashy nor fashionable and its power is not of worldly nature. Mindfulness does not presume superiority and it does not seek recognition. Mindfulness seeks only harmony – harmony of body, mind, and spirit.

Mindfulness is careful, but not timid. Mindfulness is confident, but not arrogant; strong, but not domineering.

The one who is Mindful understands the power of consent and thus does not consent to anything which disrupts the harmony of Mindfulness. The power of consent is derived from the fact that one’s reality is ultimately a construct of one’s choices. The Mindful one recognizes he has dominion over his thoughts, emotions, and actions. Reality is merely an intersection of the three.

Because s/he is aware of the power of consent, the one who is Mindful chooses everything; he is not swayed by external forces. The one who is Mindful takes great measures to avoid all manner of toxins that would serve to disrupt his harmony. He avoids toxic food, toxic drugs, toxic thoughts, toxic words, toxic schools, toxic music, toxic television programming, toxic news, toxic people, and toxic government.

The one who is Mindful embraces self-education, self-employment, self-reliance, and self-governance and he rejects those who would seek authority over him. The Mindful one recognizes the hubris and the ignorance of those who claim worldly authority over others. S/he knows what they do not – that this life is not a trivial event in search of fame, fortune, and power. Nay, this life is an interconnected part of the very fabric of the Universe through which the individual spirit has the opportunity to grow in transcendent knowledge and wisdom. It is an opportunity to observe a very small section of Space-time within this massive Universe.

Those who seek power and dominion over Mindfulness are the same ones who seek power and dominion over the human spirit. They claim authority over the Mindful one and seek to govern every aspect of his life. They ultimately seek to convert the Mindful one’s infinite potential into blind servitude.

Look back through history and you can see that they who seek power over humanity have been at it for a very long time. The dominion-seekers are responsible for all of the wars that have raged since the dawn of human civilization, for the institution of overt slavery that existed for most of human history, and for the modern institution of covert slavery that is perpetuated by central banking and fiat currency. It is they who murdered the most enlightened of the Mindful throughout history, from Socrates to Gandhi, and even the one called Christ. The power seekers revel in fear and servitude and they hate individuals who practice the art of Mindfulness.

Despite this Mindfulness remains calm and centered. Mindfulness understands that worldly power is irrelevant in the bigger scheme of the eternal Cosmos. Mindfulness recognizes that the external worldly battle is but a reflection of the battle that rages within each sovereign individual. It is the inner battle that matters, for the external battle will fade from existence once the inner battle is won. Mindfulness quietly focuses on winning this inner battle without any need of praise or recognition.

To the worldly onlooker Mindfulness appears weak, callous, and cold. Mindfulness offers no refute or explanation to these charges, but the Mindful one is fully aware of the strength that flows within and the flame of love that burns at the core. The Mindful one understands that the same flame burning eternally within him also burns eternally in others. Mindfulness knows that all of life is interconnected; that each individual is nothing less than an eternal spirit of humanity manifesting in a gloriously unique way.

Majesty - Clean

The Mindful one recognizes there is no ‘left’ or ‘right’; there is only Liberty or Tyranny.

Liberty leaves the individual free to wander in whatever direction calls out to his spirit. Liberty recognizes the individual’s right to discover and cultivate his passion, whatever that may be. Liberty respects the sacredness of human life and presumes no superiority over the human spirit. And Liberty leaves the individual free to discover his destiny and ascend to a higher state of being.

Tyranny sets forth to funnel the individual into worldly systems of enslavement and to regulate all manner of individual activity. Tyranny sees the individual and presumes to know what’s best for him. Tyranny looks upon the infinite human spirit with disdain and seeks to cage and dominate it. Tyranny attempts to inundate and distract individuals with all manner of worldly fear, power, and entertainment so as to disconnect the individual from the spirit. Tyranny places all individuals into collective groups, labels them accordingly, and then proclaims that individuals are meaningless outside of the collective. Individuals who fall for this deceit then see themselves as part of a group and they see other groups as their enemy.

Mindfulness cuts through Tyranny like a fiery blade and the Mindful one sees right through these distractions and deceits. Mindfulness knows that Liberty is required for harmonious individual interaction. Mindfulness maintains amor fati - a respect for Fate.

This is why Tyranny holds an eternal hatred for Mindfulness: it cannot exist where Mindfulness is present. Tyranny understands it actually has no power; it must be chosen by individuals. Thus Tyranny must convince individuals of its ability to deliver a better future. History shows that Tyranny is fairly adept at selling this illusion, at least until Mindfulness rises in opposition. History also shows that Tyranny is never capable of delivering the better future as promised. Instead, Tyranny always disrupts the lives and plans of individuals, families, and friends – always for its own benefit and not theirs. Tyranny disrupted or ended the lives and plans of billions of individuals in the twentieth century alone.

Tyranny, for the life of itself, cannot understand the Mindful one. Despite being in touch with their tremendous individual power, the Mindful ones do not use this power against others. Nor is the Mindful one ever interested in negotiating with Tyranny; s/he simply refuses to stray from her/his chosen path. Tyranny is befuddled when the Mindful one refuses all manner of bribes, deals, and kickbacks. Tyranny is frustrated when the Mindful one is not deterred by slander and ridicule and it is enraged when the Mindful one does not respond to intimidation and threats of force. Through it all the Mindful one stands tall, confident in the validity of his/her principles. Tyranny has learned there is very little it can do to deter the Mindful one other than kill him. But the eternal spirit of Mindfulness can never die.

Tyranny comes in different sizes, shapes, and colors and these different forms often compete with one another in the political arena. Politics is simply the art of Tyranny, and a clever one at that. Many an individual has strayed from the Mindful path for the allure of politics; often with good intentions.

Mindfulness understands, however, there are no political solutions to political problems. Political solutions always begin with “we must” or “you must” but this is a dead-end road. “We must” and “you must” are unsustainable because they are not grounded in Mindfulness; they are grounded instead in some combination of self-interest, short-sightedness, ignorance, fear, and/or exploitation. All true solutions must stem from “I must” first. That solution is then amplified if multiple “I musts” come together in harmony. But the inspiration has to come from within first – from the “I must”.

The Path - Clean

Applying Mindfulness

The Majesty of Mindfulness is the solution to the major problems of our time. Mindfulness is simply a choice and anyone can choose to put it on their mantle. Mindfulness cannot be forced upon others, however, as free will is a vital part of the Universal code. Thus, Mindfulness is latent within each individual seeking to unlock its power for them.

The first step to awakening the Mindfulness within is an honest assessment of the System. We are told at a very early age that the key to success in this life is to master the System’s power game. We are herded into schools to pledge allegiance to the System and learn how to play by its rules. We mindlessly rush off to college to further our education on how to succeed inside the System. Then we pursue jobs in corporate America or maybe even an MBA from a public university. The MBA, we are told, is the key to unlocking and gaining entry to the higher tiers of the System. Similarly, each corporate job is a platform to prove our ability to operate within the System so we can get raises, bonuses, and then move up to the next rank within the System. And there is always a higher rank in the System.

This is not the Mindful path.

There is nothing inherently wrong with pursuing this path within the System, but it is much more likely to lead to stress, confusion, short-sightedness, small-mindedness, physical exhaustion, mental atrophy, family problems, and depression than it is to enlightenment. Now there are certainly those who have achieved self-defined success and happiness from within the System. There are plenty of people who have used the System to provide a quality life for themselves and their families. But past experiences are not indicative of future results and the System is becoming more and more fragile, and suffocating, by the day.

The System was easy to support in its adolescence as there was ample room for growth to mask the ill-effects of exponentially expanding credit-based money. The hockey-stick graph of credit expansion has now eclipsed the rate of economic growth, however, and the System is teetering as a result. The owners of the System must now resort to iron-fisted measures to keep it from tipping. If you follow the System’s predefined path, your every move will be subject to restrictions, licenses, regulations, taxes, and prohibitions. This is not a formula for success and it is certainly no way for a sovereign individual to live.

An honest assessment of the System will likely lead you to conclude that you would be better served by exiting it, but you will probably be unable to immediately make your get away. Unless you have a tremendous amount of resources at your disposal, you will have to distance yourself from the System one step at a time. This is not easy for someone who has spent their entire life doing the ‘right’ things – getting an education, working hard, and saving some money for retirement. It is very difficult to accept the fact that the System has been structured to plunder the honest people who follow the predefined path and it is normal for this realization to lead to depression or anger, or both.

But Mindfulness cannot coexist with depression or anger. The next step to awakening Mindfulness is to learn to be calm and accept the worldly injustices for what they are – an opportunity for growth. Liberty and Tyranny swing on a pendulum. As do Justice and Injustice. One or the other is inescapably present at all times in all places. There is a fundamental balance that seems to exist in the Universe which suggests that opposite and contrary forces are always interconnected. In order to know one you must also know the other. This is expressed as the yin and yang principle in Eastern philosophy.

The System currently represents Tyranny and Injustice but it is becoming extremely fragile and one day the pendulum will swing back towards Liberty. And later the pendulum will reverse course once again. There is nothing we can do to change this process at the macro level. All we can do is learn how to move away from the System and become a positive force in our local reality - our families, friends, and communities.

The Mindful one does not seek to change the world; he seeks to change himself. The end goal is admirable, but it is the journey that is most important. The obstacle is the path.

Opportunities for earning income outside of the corporate cubicle arise as Mindfulness grows. This income is still subject to the regulations and taxes of the System, but some of it can be legally sheltered before the System gets to it. One must develop these meaningful sources of income in order to move away from the System. Yes this means paying taxes that the System will use against you. Yes this means accepting dishonest fiat currency that is used to transfer wealth from the outsiders to the owners of the System. But what other options are there currently? It is difficult to grow in Mindfulness if one’s life is a constant struggle just for sustenance.

As your non-wage income grows you will need Mindful strategies for protecting and investing your money. The System suggests you trust government approved retirement plans and government licensed Wall Street brokers to handle your asset management needs. Those moving away from the System prefer some combination of a more diversified approach: gold in the basement to hedge against currency collapse, specially structured high-cash value life insurance to hedge against future bail-ins and wealth taxes, domestic real estate, farm land and other locally-controlled hard assets that cannot be inflated away, offshore real estate to hedge against domestic political risk, a bitcoin wallet or two in case crypto currencies have a role within the next monetary system, and/or a contrarian approach to the stock market with the assistance of real (non-licensed, non-commissioned) investment analysis. And of course it is prudent to keep a little cash on the sidelines for the times when assets are dramatically oversold due to herd-mentality investors rushing for the exits.

Mindful investments are not based on greed or on the hopes of future luxury; they are made to sustain individual freedom. Mindful investing is not about making money; it is about converting money into income streams and hard assets so as to be free from the need to work as a wage slave for basic necessities. The specifics differ with each individual but the idea is the same: to blend Mindfulness with practical self-reliance so as to strengthen the synergy between mind, body, and spirit. This approach enables you to get rid of ‘life pockets’ and adopt a more holistic approach to living – instead of having a ‘work life’, ‘social life’, and ‘family life’ you just have ‘life’.

The Mindful path is steep and rugged with lots of twists, turns, and forks. Rumor has it the path also has no defined end. But those who choose to walk the Mindful path find that their problems seem to fade from relevance with each additional step taken. So they trod on, confident in the validity of their journey and respectful of the eccentricity of the Universal code.

Where does the Mindful path lead? Who knows…? Such is the Majesty of Mindfulness.

For more of Joe’s thoughts on the “Great Reset”, the global paradigm shift, and regaining individual sovereignty please read “The Individual is Rising” which is available at The book is also available on Amazon in both paperback and Kindle editions.

Blue Ice - Clean

Dealing With Explosions into Fear


Unlawful Justice

Nothing is so much to be feared as fear.
~Henry David Thoreau.

Compulsive thinking has become our unspoken collective disease. Dis-ease, no ease; its meaning has been hidden inside the word. Our whole sense of who we are is derived from our mind activity and we have the whole sense of self invested in it. Even though we are usually unsuccessful in our search for an answer, the solution for healing has instead become part of it. What we fear and resist most is the end of our drama. As long as we are our mind, what troubles us most is our own awakening.

Our identity, since it is no longer rooted in being but rather a vulnerable and ever wanting mental construct (the little me), creates fear as the predominant underlying emotion. The one thing that truly matters, this thing missing from life, is an awareness of a deeper self, of an invisible and indestructible reality. If we cannot be present during normal circumstances, like walking in the woods or sitting alone in a room, then we certainly won't be able to stay conscious when something goes wrong or a situation arises such as the loss, or the threat of loss, of our children. We will be taken over by the reaction, which is always some form of fear, and be pulled into deep unconsciousness.

Challenges such as these are our test of how well we are able to bring more consciousness into our life. How we deal with them will show us, as well as others, where we are with regard to our state of consciousness. No unconsciousness, no negativity, no discord or violence can enter the field and survive, just as darkness cannot survive in the presence of light.
Some emotions are easily identified: fear, anger, grief, etc. Others may be much harder to label. They may express as vague feelings of unease or heaviness, halfway between an emotion and a physical sensation. Attaching a mental label doesn't matter; what does matter is whether we can bring the feeling of it into our awareness as much as possible.

Let me use a visual analogy to illustrate the point I am making. It is similar to entering a dark cave. We have a sense of unease but we don't exactly know what it is we are looking for. We just know something is there lurking. We look into a dark corner and see nothing but a pair of flashing eyes looking back. We don't label, we simply bring our full attention to whatever it might be.

If fear is preventing us from taking action, then acknowledge the fear and watch it, bring our attention into it, be fully present with it. Doing this will connect us to the link between our fear and our thinking. Do not let the fear rise up in our mind. Use the power of the moment. Fear cannot prove to be more powerful unless we allow it.

The state of ‘presence’ could be compared to a cat waiting over a mouse hole. The cat is absolutely awake, absolutely still or she will miss it. There is no tension in her, no fear, just alert presence. Be present with our whole Being, with every cell of your body. The ‘you’ that has a past and a future — the personality is hardly there anymore and yet nothing of value is lost. We are still essentially ourselves, in fact we are more fully our ‘self’ than we ever were before consciousness.

We enter a state of freedom; from fear, from suffering, from the perceived state of lack and insufficiency and therefore from all wanting, needing, grasping, and clinging. It is freedom from compulsive thinking, from negativity; above all, from past and future psychological need.

Our mind is telling us we cannot get there from here. Something needs to happen; we need to become this or that before we can be free. In fact it is saying we need time; we need to find, sort out, do, achieve, become or understand something before we can be free.

We see time as the means to salvation whereas in truth it is the greatest obstacle. We think we can't get there from here, or where we are at in this moment because we are not complete or good enough. But the truth is, here and now is the only point from which we can get there. We get there by realizing we are already there. We find freedom the moment we recognize we don't need to seek freedom. There is no ‘only’ way to salvation: any condition can be used but no particular condition is needed. There is only one point of access: the present moment……now.

Evening Clouds - Clean

Don't try and escape from the present moment by seeking some kind of salvation in the future. To focus on the future would only draw us to focus on our own pain. If only we knew how easy it is to access the moment with the power of presence which dissolves the past and its pain, the reality that dissolves the illusion.

How can we allow it to be and change it at the same time? By doing what we have to do except what is. Since mind and resistance work in tandem, acceptance immediately frees us from mind dominance and thus reconnects us with ‘Being’. As a result the egoic motivations for doing; fear, control, greed, defending or feeding the false sense of self, will stop. Desire……wanting……fearing, all a means to an end by way of the ego.

An ‘intelligence’ much greater than the mind is now in charge. And a new quality of consciousness will flow into our doing, a oneness with all life. Accept our destiny as if we had chosen it. Try to perceive the world absence of labels and words. It seems most people need to experience a great deal of suffering before they will relinquish resistance and accept, before they will forgive. As soon as we do, one of the greatest mysteries takes place: the awakening of consciousness through what appears as evil. This is the action of changing suffering into inner peace.

The end result of all evil and suffering in the world is it will force humans into real-eyes-ing they are beyond name and form. What we perceive as evil from our limited perspective is actually part of the higher good that has no opposite. This does not become true for us except through forgiveness.

Until that occurs people have not been redeemed and therefore remain evil. Here is another word were the meaning of the word is within the word. Evil is ‘live’ backwards……as unconsciousness is to consciousness. Someone once said, “Forgive them, for they know not what they do”. Or more to the point - forgive them for they are completely unconscious.

A lot of what people say, think or do comes from, and actually is, motivated by fear. This, of course, is always linked to having our focus on the future and being out of touch with right here, right now. Since there are no problems in the present moment, there is no fear either. If a situation should arise which we must deal with now, our action will be clear and incisive if it arises out of the ‘presence’ of awareness. It is also likely to be more effective. Our response will not be a reaction coming from past conditioning of our mind, but an intuitive response to the situation.

Focus not on all the things we will or may need to do at some future time, but on the one thing we can do now. This doesn't mean we shouldn't do any planning. In fact it may be that planning is the one thing we can do now. Just make sure we don't start to run mental movies by projecting ourselves into the future and lose the present moment. Any action we take may not bear fruit immediately. Until it does, don't resist what is. If there's no action we can take, and we cannot remove ourselves from the situation, then use the situation to go more deeply into surrender, more deeply into the present moment, more deeply into being.

Neuron Synapse - Clean

When we enter this timeless dimension of the present moment, change often comes about in strange ways without the need for a great deal of doing on our part. We are in the flow of life. Life becomes helpful and cooperative. When fear or guilt prevents us from taking action, dissolve into the light of our conscious presence. So whenever any kind of disaster strikes or something goes seriously wrong know there is another side to it, something incredible, the chemical wedding of fear and pain with suffering, all burned up into consciousness.

Any acceptance of suffering is a journey into death. Facing deep pain, allowing it to be, taking our attention into it is to enter death consciously and willingly. When we have died this death we come to real-eyes there is no death, there is nothing to fear. Only the ego fears. This is where the ego dies, the little me, the voice inside our head that wants to survive. It is the end of the world, the end of ego, and the birth of consciousness into light.

So don't turn away from the pain, face it, feel it fully. Feel it, don't think about it. We don't want to create a story in our mind around it. Give all our attention to the feeling, not to the person, situation, or event that seems to have caused it. Don't let the mind use the pain to create a victim identity for our self out of it. Telling others our story and feeling sorry for ourselves will keep us stuck in suffering.

Since it is impossible to get away from the feeling the only possible change is to move into it, otherwise nothing will shift. Give your complete attention to what you feel and stop yourself from mentally labeling it. As we are going into the feeling, be intensely alert. While at first it may seem like a dark and dreadful place, when the urge to turn away from it comes, observe it but do not act.

Keep putting our attention on the pain; keep feeling the fear, the grief, the dread and the loneliness in whatever form the suffering takes. Witness it without mentally labeling it. Embrace it, and see how the miracle of surrender changes suffering into deep peace. Stay alert, stay present…present with our whole being, with every cell of our body. As we do this we bring light into this darkness by the flame of our consciousness. When we cross over to the other shore we discover the impermanence of everything, even our deepest darkest fears.

Unlawful Justice


Round Stones - Clean