Category Archives: Mrs. Cogs Posts

What’s In Your Medicine Cabinet?

This journey into my medicine cabinet began quite by accident several years ago. It was born out of fear. Fear we might not have access to affordable healthcare in the future. Fear a geo-political event or severe weather emergency might leave us without required medical attention. Fear of personal suffering or worse, of watching my family suffer needlessly.

What did people do before the age of specialization? Nowadays everyone defaults to the “trained professionals” and “experts”, but for thousands of years prior people actually succeeded in taking care of themselves. Surely we modern humans have not out-smarted ourselves to such a degree we cannot take back that responsibility and become empowered. Continue reading What’s In Your Medicine Cabinet?

Tomato Mania

Why did the tomato blush? Because he saw the salad dressing.

Regardless of your particular take on the severity of upcoming food inflation, availability of certain food, importance of organic and/or non GMO varieties, the cost of ingredients at your favorite restaurant, or unpredictable weather for growing seasons, there is little chance that the future of tomatoes will not affect you. Continue reading Tomato Mania

Rethinking The Concept of Retirement

It’s a funny thing how certain concepts have permeated throughout our culture and are just simply accepted as ‘normal’ without question. Even when faced with the reality that a given ‘normal’ situation is in jeopardy or worse, may all together cease to exist, we as a society still measure and plan our lives based upon what we thought was supposed to happen. If we feel we are entitled to it, then not only do we cling to it, but we do so with anger and righteous indignation. Continue reading Rethinking The Concept of Retirement