If you accept the premise 'You are what you eat', meaning ultimately you are physically composed of what you consume....good and bad.....then it stands to reason you are what you think, meaning your reality is composed of what you consume and thereby think and/or believe.....good and bad.
As the image of the deeply, and beautifully, eroded rock in the image above demonstrates, the slow drip and steady wind of social, political and economic conditioning and propaganda can break down the hardest substances. Our only defense is to be forever mindful of who and what we are....and what we consume.
It is with this thought in mind that I present a blast from the past by Neil Kramer from back in July of 2008, an oldie but goodie if you will.
The key to conditioning the human mind is repetition, repetition and more repetition. Unsurprisingly the key to reversing these embedded mind memes is precisely the same prescription.
Unfortunately (and fortunate for the programmers) when we are being conditioned through the process of repetition, because the message is usually delivered via so many different (trusted) sources, the process is relatively painless, especially when it comes skillfully mixed in with our beloved bread and circuses. The same cannot be said when removing the buggy software from our hardwired brains.
In my opinion the subject of denial, particularly our own custom concoction, must be repeatedly examined in order to begin to chip away at the surface. This particularly poisonous vein of self subterfuge runs deep in all of us and the only way to remove it is one layer at a time. So hammer away we must.
Thankfully one of the ways to soften the pain of removal is to partake of the same message from a variety of different messengers. Think of it as different flavors of ice cream.
While this is not the case as much anymore now that we live up here on the mountain, if there is a day I fail to get outside for more than a few moments I feel something is missing in my life. If this occurs for several days in the row I begin to feel antsy and will find any excuse in the book to get out and stay out.
I find my 'self' more complete after I have walked, worked or played in nature. While I would prefer the temperature to be moderate so I suffer no discomfort, in reality I am most invigorated after coming in from the more extreme weather conditions. I consider myself fortunate to recognize this aspect of my 'self'.