Category Archives: Mrs. Cogs Posts

The Two Ice Floes Phenomena

Observing events as they have unfolded over the past few years has been fascinating, in a sick ‘can't look away from the train wreck’ sort of way. This is especially true if one has kept their eye on the news as reported by Zero Hedge. How strange and yet apropos that we would find Cognitive Dissonance there of all places. If you think it has been interesting for you to watch, take a few minutes to step into my world and peer at things through my lens.  Continue reading The Two Ice Floes Phenomena

Dirty Secrets

Cog likes to say we're only as sick as our deepest, darkest secrets. The obvious deceptions we keep from others, such as an extra-marital affair, dipping into the petty cash at work or perpetrating a fraud for the financial good of the family, are bad enough. But some are so sick and twisted we can't even admit them to ourselves. So we stay in denial, creating shame, and crushing that which is good and seeks to grow within us. Continue reading Dirty Secrets